Freeze Frame Time | Anchors Aweigh


April 8, 2016

Freeze Frame Time

Once in a blue moon, I get the overwhelming desire to just freeze frame time. I distinctly remember the last time I felt this way. We were living in Corpus Christi and just having the time of our lives. Life was wonderfully simple, and we were living on love for each other and a brown dog. I just wanted to bottle it up.

Fast forward 2 years later, and I want the same thing again. I just want to freeze frame time. There is something kind of cool about an impending deployment in that it really makes you appreciate every moment you have together. The moments are passing by quickly, but they sure are sweet right now. 

Jenny and I spent the week in Florida with Parker while he was doing Navy training, and I just wanted it to last forever! We took evenings walks on the beach, and as I snapped picture after picture of Parker and the Jen pup running around in the sand, happy and carefree, I got the overwhelming desire to freeze frame time. 

Ready or not, life is changing soon. We will embrace the change and learn how to thrive in the new circumstances. I do believe that. Right now though, I sure do wish we could freeze frame time. 


  1. I hear you completely! We try and go away for a weekend before my husband deploys and I never want those weekends to end.

  2. I completely understand this mentality and you're SO right about feeling it double when a deployment in on the horizon. It looks like you guys had fun in Florida!

  3. I'm so glad you got to spend some time together in Florida! :)

  4. I feel you on wanting to freeze frame time! The weeks are going by so quickly!

  5. When will he be going? And where and how long? Have you gone through other deployments with him?


  6. I totally understand this, and I bet it's even more intense with a deployment looming over your heads. I don't know how soon he's leaving, obviously, but I'm thinking of you guys!

  7. Totally felt the same way during the two days I got to spend with Josh before I had to drop him at AIT. We were not sure how long it would be before I'd be able to come down to see him again, so I wanted to freeze time!

  8. I hear ya! When my husband left on deployment in 2014 we soaked up every moment together. I wanted to record everything so we could go back and watch it whenever we wanted to. Stupid deployments definitely make you cherish every moment.


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