Military Mondays: Common Military Acronyms | Anchors Aweigh


April 11, 2016

Military Mondays: Common Military Acronyms

It's Monday, which means we are back for another installment of Military Mondays! Today we are going to talk about acronyms. Oye. Most businesses and fields use acronyms, but for every one acronym in a civilian job, the military has 50. Good grief, it's kind of ridiculous. 

As a military spouse, it's a daily struggle to understand what the heck our husbands are talking about. If I had a nickel for every time I asked Parker "What's that mean?", I'd be a very wealthy woman. Even after 5 years in the military, I still learn a new term on the regular. I'll never know what they all mean (let's face it, no one will), but I do want to share a few of the most common acronyms I have heard. 

Today, we are going to look at 25 of the most commonly used acronyms. This list makes up approximately 0.0001% of all military acronyms. Each branch has hundreds more that are specific to only that branch, and the list goes on from there. A lot of the acronyms we use in our home are Naval Aviation-specific and won't apply to most, but these 25 below can be heard just about anywhere...

BAH- Basic Allowance for Housing (the amount you get per paycheck for housing expenses)

CAC- Common Access Card (military-issued identification card)

CO- Commanding Officer (the officer in charge of the squadron/unit)

CONUS- Continental United States

DEERS- Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (the system you enroll in to be eligible for benefits)

DET- detachment (a smaller military unit)

DOD- Department of Defense

DITY- Do It Yourself Move (when you elect to move yourselves rather than have the military do it)

FITREP- Fitness Report (annual evaluation for officers)

FNG- F***ing New Guy (typically referring to the new member of a squadron or unit)

FTX- Field Training Exercise

ITT- Information, Tickets, and Tours (a place to get discounted or free tickets to theme parks, zoos, cruises, etc.)

JAG- Judge Advocate General (military lawyers)

Milso- Military Spouse

MRE- Meal Ready To Eat (freeze-dried meals eaten in the field)

MWR- Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (comprehensive network of support and leisure services designed to enhance the lives of military members, their families, civilian employees, and military retirees)

NEX- Navy Exchange (almost like a mini mall, the Navy equivalent for the AAFES)

OCONUS- Outside the Continental United States

OCS- Officer Candidate School 

PAO- Public Affairs Officer

PCS- Permanent Change of Station (a fancy way of saying you're moving)

PRT/PFT- Physical Readiness Test/Physical Fitness Test (a fitness test typically administered every 6 months)

SERE- Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (training to prepare military members in case they are ever captured in enemy territory)

TDY- Temporary Duty 

XO- Executive Officer (second in command to the CO of the squadron/unit)


  1. It's crazy how much the vary across branches! For AF, their camo is called ABUs (I think Army is ACUs) and the "mini mall" is the BX. Some other favorites (though vulgar..)... SNAFU and FUBAR ;)

  2. I am always amazed by the sheer number of acronyms the military comes up with! My favorite is when my husband says one, I ask what it stands for and he doesn't actually know! That happened with TDY, he knew it meant temporary duty, but had no idea what the literal translation was. :)

  3. Gotta love all of the Acronyms, I do my best to make sure I know what they all mean so Kyle doesn't have to keep explaining them haha.

  4. Wow! How does Parker remember them all?!


  5. i've heard "FNG" before BAHAHHA

    i honestly can't remember even 5 of's dumb, how do they keep it so straight?

  6. You forgot some of my favs:

    OPPE- Operational Propulsion Plant Examination
    FITREP- Fitness Report (Eval for officers)
    ORSE-Operational Reactor Safeguard Exam

    and my old favorite:

    FUBAR- It is a great one.

  7. Oh man these are so true, I thought the BDU were called NWU for Navy Working Uniform? Or am I thinking of something completely different? haha With my hubby in LS his acronyms for different inventory for the ship is ridiculous! Sometimes I pretend I know what he is talking about , write it down on my phone and research it later ha.

  8. Oh Acronyms .... As soon as I think I'm doing good with learning them, Josh starts talking and I feel like that cartoon e-card dude who's throwing all his papers in the air saying "eff it" haha I did know most of these though :)

  9. DET must be a Navy thing, I think the Army equivalent would be company or battalion. Army's camo uniforms used to be called ACU's but they are phasing in a new camo called multicams.... It's funny seeing soldiers wear multicams mixed with the ACUs because they haven't come out with all the multicam things yet (namely coats)


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