Cruise To The Bahamas: Days 3 & 4 | Anchors Aweigh


May 19, 2016

Cruise To The Bahamas: Days 3 & 4

I am back for my final recap of our wonderful cruise to The Bahamas! If you missed the first posts, I blogged about days 1 & 2 here and swimming with the dolphins here

I've already said this about 10 times, but this really was just the most wonderful vacation. Cruises make everything so easy and relaxing yet still make you feel like you went out and experienced new things. It's just the perfect way to travel!

I also joked to Parker that I only want to go on international trips from here on out because turning off our phones and unplugging was heavenly! We didn't check email, texts, Facebook, the news, etc. and it made for the best environment to just soak up the togetherness. 

Day 3 began in Nassau! We docked and were off the ship by 9:00 AM for our excursion. We were ready to swim with those dolphins! We had about a 30 minute boat ride out to the island and tried to stay in the shade as much as possible thanks to the sunburns we incurred the day before. 

Here we are with both our cruise ship and the Disney cruise ship behind us. The Disney cruise ship left with us and was part of every port as well. The two ships basically just followed each other!

Swimming with the dolphins was wonderful and lasted about an hour from start to finish. That's a great way to spend an hour!

After the swim, we grabbed some lunch. Bonus points for remembering our credit card this time! We were pleased to not have a repeat of day 2 where we forgot money and were hungry/thirsty all day.

After lunch, we had about 3 hours on a private island to just chill. Good with us! We laid by the pool for the majority of it and just talked/people watched/napped/loved life.

When we got back to the harbor, we decided to wander into the city just to walk around and get the full Nassau experience. After about 5 minutes and an encounter with a man being handcuffed and escorted into a van, we looked at each other and said "We're good. Time to go back to the boat.". We did buy a $5 oversized shell that looks great on my stairway landing table. ;)

Once we were safely back on the ship, we cleaned up and went to dinner. We skipped dessert in favor of watching the sunset and enjoyed the perfect evening. (I may or may not have visited the dessert buffet after to make up for it). 

The next day was our only full day at sea. The boat was transiting back to Florida, so we stayed on the ship all day. It was so relaxing that I didn't take a single picture during the day. We napped, laid in the sun, and watched the hairy chest competition and other antics happening on the lido deck. 

That night, we went to the Music Through The Decades show and a late night comedy show after. Both were entertaining!

We were up bright and early the next morning to debark the ship. We were so sad our wonderful cruise was over! The debarkation process was smooth and super quick, which was great! 

Coincidentally, my twin and her husband happened to be enjoying their babymoon at Disney World in Orlando, just an hour away from our cruise port. We had a few hours before we had to catch our flight, so we met them at Kona Grill for a little Disney-themed breakfast! To say we were jealous we weren't staying when we drove through the entrance is an understatement. 

We were so beyond excited to get to spend an hour with them! We talked about the baby (us) and Game of Thrones (them). Typical. 

I had to snap a picture of my meal because it was so good it should be illegal. It was called Tonga Toast, and I haven't the slightest idea what it was made of. I just know it was delicious and probably temporarily clogged about 5 arteries. 

We said goodbye to the expecting duo and headed to the airport to fly home. Seeing them was a gift, and we are really glad it worked out!

That's days 3 & 4 (and 5 if you count the Disney day!). The whole thing really was a dream- take us back please!


  1. I LOVE reading about this and hearing about other people who love cruising. I am totally with you- it is a PERFECT way to see new places and is incredibly relaxing!! LOVE seeing that y'all had this special time! Thank you for sharing with us! :)

  2. Glad you had a great time! It looks like a blast! Andy and I are so excited for the honeymoon because it means work cannot call him!!! They kept calling and texting when he was on con leave... I was like "Really? He is practically blind"

  3. Cruises really are so great! and I love not having my phone! I know you can pay to have ship Wifi but I'm too cheap for that mess! The hairy chest contest is my favorite! Josh participated during our last cruise! How awesome that you got to spend time with your sister :)

  4. I'm so glad you had a great trip! I'm not sure I would enjoy going on a cruise but maybe one day I will give it a shot.

  5. I'm living vicariously through your blog posts! Sounds like a blast! :)

  6. That sounds so awesome! So is a 4 day cruise worth it then? I always wonder! Walt Disney world is really so magical! So glad you got to meet up with your twin! You guys all look great!

  7. So much fun! You guys look really relaxed.



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