May Goals | Anchors Aweigh


May 5, 2016

May Goals

We are officially in May. That blows my mind! I feel like I say this every month, but man is time moving quickly! We are almost halfway through 2016 and I feel like we were just dancing the night away at a wedding while we rang in the new year. Craziness, I tell you!

Like the beginning of every month around this blog (I'm a little late this month- oops!), I am sharing my goals for May. Before I get to my May goals, let's see how April's goals went...

Run 30 miles... so close, but fail. I underestimated how chilly it still is in April, and I am a huge wimp and won't run in the cold. I started this goal in the middle of the month and still came close to finishing with 24.75 miles. I'm not mad about it. 

Go to a new restaurant... check! We tried Mission BBQ and absolutely loved it! It's hard to please our little Texas BBQ-loving hearts in Virginia because everything is pork-based, but they had a brisket that was lip-smackin good. We loved it!

Spring clean... fail. I don't even know why I made this a goal. I knew I wouldn't do it. Kristen Wiig said it best in Bridesmaids. I was set up for a loss already. Fortunately we have guests coming in May which will force me to clean the house!

Find out if I am having a niece or nephew... check! They haven't announced it yet so I can't spoil the surprise, but I am absolutely THRILLED! Seriously, if you ask Parker, all I talk about these days is this baby. I am obsessed with becoming an aunt in just a few short months! Sister friend is 22 weeks today! 

Go kayaking... check! It was freezing but so fun. We loved it! I blogged all about our ski pants & Sperrys kayaking day date here

And now for May!

Spring clean... Like I said above, we have company coming, so if I don't get this done, I've failed miserably. 

Host our first visitors of 2016... We seriously love hosting and beg people to come stay with us. Parker's parents are coming and we couldn't be more excited!

Go on a cruise... So happy to actually get to do this! We have been wanting to go on a cruise since getting married 5 years ago, and our frenemy the Navy has always had other ideas. So excited this dream is finally becoming a reality this month. 

Make Sunday night Game of Thrones night... If you know my husband, you know he loves Game of Thrones. It took some time (a long time), but I have finally gotten to the point where I really enjoy it too. The new Season 6 episodes are coming on Sunday evenings, and it's so fun seeing how excited he gets about watching it together. For the premiere, we did our best Game of Thrones-inspired dinner with wine, steak, bread, and a cheese platter. Not sure if that's actually what they eat in that world, but it was a best effort kind of thing. 

Live in the moment... The near future is just a little depressing with deployment looming over our heads, so I want to make sure we are focusing on the here and now and not what's coming. 

That's May! 

Oh, and happy Cinco de Mayo! It's 5:00 somewhere, and a margarita is calling all of our names. 


  1. My husband LOVES Mission BBQ. I swear he'd eat there once a week when he was at his old job! Also, you will have so much fun on your cruise! I seriously love cruises and think it's a great way to travel and relax!

  2. Live in the moment yes! So hard sometimes but we must remember to try!' Xo

  3. Yay for going on a cruise! So exciting-I love cruises!

  4. Yay! So glad you get to go on your cruise!!!

  5. Can't wait to hear if you're having a niece or nephew!! I have one of both and seriously, no matter the gender, being an aunt is the absolute best!! Good luck on the spring cleaning. I hate doing it, but feel great once it's complete!!

  6. I've wanted to go on a cruise for the longest time as well! Looking forward to hearing where you go and what you think of it!

  7. hahahhah i didn't clean either! ;)

  8. Have so much fun on your cruise! I have never been but sounds like so much fun! May sounds like an awesome month for you guys!

  9. 24.7 miles is AMAZING! You go girl :) And I can't wait to follow along on your cruise -- how fun!!

  10. I know I'm way late and you've already shared that you loved your cruise, but YAY!! I'm so glad. I LOVE cruises. :)

    Have fun with your visitors this month! :)

  11. The only way our house gets clean is when people come over. No judgement. I can't wait to read about your cruise. Someday we will do that for our way over do honeymoon.


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