Parents In Virginia, 2016 Edition | Anchors Aweigh


May 26, 2016

Parents In Virginia, 2016 Edition

Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of hosting Parker's parents for the long weekend! We really love having people stay with us and were so excited for their visit!

Tim and Leigh are always such awesome visitors. They are easy going and fun, and we just love hosting them in our home here in Virginia! Parker's work schedule has been very unpredictable lately (#Navylife), so we were so thankful he ended up having Saturday and Sunday off to hang out with us!

Saturday morning, we went on a long nature walk with the pup and basked in the glorious sun. When you live in Virginia, you wait a long time for that precious sun to come out after wintertime.

We got cleaned up and headed to downtown Norfolk for the afternoon! It's funny, because when we moved to this area of the country 2 years ago, I really didn't care for it. At all. But the more time I spend here, the more I fall in love with this place. We have a really cool downtown area, and it seems like there is always a festival going on! 

This particular day, we stumbled upon a hole in the wall restaurant that (in my opinion) has the best burgers in Norfolk! Locals, stop in Jack Brown's Beer & Burger Joint! Parker and I split the Danny Laruso, a burger topped with cream cheese and jalapeno jelly. I'm still thinking about it. So good!

We walked along the water to our afternoon activity... a dinner cruise on the Spirit of Norfolk! Tim and Leigh were so sweet to plan this, and we honestly had the best time! It was a 2 hour cruise with dinner and dancing. Pardon my picture of a picture below. 

The food was absolutely delicious (I thought it was better than the food we had on our cruise to The Bahamas!) and the dancing didn't disappoint. Parker and I are the first to admit that we are absolutely terrible dancers. I lack any semblance of rhythm and am one of the worst dance partners you could have, but we absolutely love dancing together. We danced most of the cruise along with Leigh (and Tim at one point too!). The dancing was our favorite part!

The top of the boat made for some pretty sightseeing as well!

The dinner cruise was definitely the highlight of their visit, and I am grateful to them for giving us that fun experience! Their visit was over too quickly, but isn't that how it always goes? Loved our time together!


  1. Wow! My husband is in the Navy officer, so I've loved reading your blog and sympathizing with all of the highs and lows. I found your blog a few weeks ago and I didn't realize you guys were stationed in Norfolk until now. I'm from Virginia Beach and loved seeing all of the pictures on your post. I went to James Madison University as well, where the original Jack Brown's is. It's the best! So glad you guys have discovered all of the fun spots in Norfolk!

    Sarah @

  2. Have you guys checked out Charlottesville yet??? I think yall would love it!

  3. Where the heck do you get those shoes?! They are so cute! Looks like you had great weather for the in-law visit! It's always great when you have nice weather for visitors! Glad the weather has finally taken a turn for the WARMER too!


  4. mmmm i love the hole in the wall burger joints! :)

    And i'm so glad y'all were able to spend more time with them!
    SO FUN!

  5. How fun! One time we went on a dinner cruise in Florida and there was dancing there also. Chris and I tried to dance, but we are so terrible and I felt so awkward!

  6. Glad you had a great time with your in-laws! Family visiting is always the best!

  7. I'm so glad you had such a great visit with your in-laws! :)

  8. I love it when family visits! You guys are just darling. And I love those pink wedges!!!

    Kourtney @

  9. How fun! Sounds like the perfect weekend visit! :) Also, I am in love with your dress!


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