Pilot Groupie | Anchors Aweigh


May 27, 2016

Pilot Groupie

I am the first to admit that Navy life can be difficult and stressful, but I've tried to convey on this little blog how much I genuinely love this lifestyle. Good and bad, it's such a fun ride, and I can't imagine our story without the military in it. 

Being in the military was Parker's dream long before I was in the picture, and I've never in my life met someone so passionate about what they do. That man loves to fly those planes! Seeing that love and passion he has for what he does has really influenced the way I view military life. He loves it, I love him, so I love it. 

I am Parker's wife, but I also at times feel so much like his little groupie. I think he has the coolest job in the world! I got the opportunity to watch him fly last Friday and loved every minute of it. We took a few obligatory photos "together", and I enjoyed hanging out in the LSO shack watching him fly, hearing him call the ball while other guys flew, and seeing him in his element. 

Military life is what you make it. That husband of mine makes the adventure so worth it and so sweet. I couldn't be more thankful!


  1. So fun!! And yes, seeing the guys so passionate about their job definitely makes it much easier to love this lifestyle! I always said I'd NEVER be with someone in the military... and here I am, unable to imaqine life any other way!!

  2. Yes!!! Kyle loves his job so much and it's amazing to me especially since he spends the majority of his time in a windowless office providing Intel. I could not imagine a different life. You are a wonderful example of what a military wife should be.

  3. That's so cool you got to watch Parker fly! I'm begging Andy to convince the unit to have a spouses day where we can see all the construction equipment!

  4. That is definitely super cool! I'd love to learn to fly a plane, it has to been awesome!

  5. How awesome!!! I think it's great to be your husband's groupie... No matter what he does <3


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