5 Life Hacks For A Healthier You | Anchors Aweigh


June 7, 2016

5 Life Hacks For A Healthier You

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #EssentialVitamins #CollectiveBias

We strive to live a healthy lifestyle in our house. We exercise, consume mostly healthy foods, and eat the not-so-great-for-you foods in moderation. We only get one body, so we really try to make sure we are fueling it effectively and taking care of it as best we can!

I always want to be doing things using the most effective method, so if a better way to do something comes along, I am all ears! One of my favorite sayings is "work smarter, not harder". I can be so stubborn sometimes and end up working twice as hard as I needed to for the same result. Today, we are going to work smarter, not harder. 

I've discovered a few "life hacks" to a healthier lifestyle and am excited to share them with you! There's no reason to keep wonderful tips like these a secret, so let's get to it!

You had me at "brighten your skin". I drink water around the clock but never knew how beneficial it could be to add a little lemon! This is one of those things where it's no extra effort to make the change, but the results speak for themselves. You are already (hopefully) drinking water throughout the day, so add lemon for a healthy boost!

This little tip is a miracle worker in the summer heat. I love to workout outside when the weather is nice, but that means I am much more prone to dehydration. An orange for breakfast not only gives me the nutrition that I need, but it keeps me hydrated while I sweat buckets in the heat!

Cardio is my favorite way to workout because I feel like I see results the quickest, so imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this fun fact. Incorporating jump rope into my workout routine switches things up and still produces one heck of a workout!

Calling all tea drinkers! We all know green tea is good for you, but drinking it before bed makes it even better for you! Burning calories while I sleep is my favorite way to burn calories (lazy, party of one), so knowing the green tea ups my metabolism and allows me to burn extra calories is fantastic. 

Multivitamins are just plain good for you. We both like Centrum MultiGummies, because who doesn't love taking a vitamin in a gummy form? We do! I also discovered the new Centrum Vitamints in raspberry flavor which are great to keep in my purse. It's a vitamin that you enjoy like a mint! I picked these up at Walgreens when I saw they were in partnership with Vitamin Angels, where Walgreens makes a donation to Vitamin Angels with every purchase. Not only are you helping yourself by taking these vitamins, but you are helping someone else as well. That's a win in my book! 

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What are your go-to life hacks for healthy living?


  1. I also take Centrum Vitamins regular in the mornings. I am excited to try these new raspberry flavor myself! #client

  2. I am obsessed with lemon water! It's pretty much the best.

  3. I had no idea vitamin mints were a thing! I go through phases with drinking lemon water-- but need to start up drinking it again!


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