Celebrating Our Favorite Guy | Anchors Aweigh


June 13, 2016

Celebrating Our Favorite Guy

This past weekend was a special birthday in the Phelps house! Parker finally aged up and joined me in year 27! I'm going to keep it short and sweet today, but I couldn't let the day pass without sharing a few pictures and thoughts on the birthday boy. 

We kept it low key but had a wonderful time celebrating. We have always celebrated "birth weeks", so we did anything he wanted to do the whole week! Aka, we watched Game of Thrones, went to see the new X-Men movie, and had just about the manliest cheeseburger Virginia Beach has to offer. Done and done. 

We kicked off the birth week with a little birthday pie. Alright, I had made that pie the week before and it really needed to get eaten, so I stuck a candle in a slice and called it good. Lazy? Yes. Thankfully men are easy! I did make his favorite cake towards the end of the week though. I introduced him to my family's recipe for Italian Cream Cake not too long ago and it's what he has requested ever since! It's my favorite cake too, so I don't mind making it one bit!

It was a sweet time celebrating the one I love. I'm very glad he was born 27 years ago. My world sure is better because of it, and Jenny is pretty darn obsessed with her pa!


  1. Happy Birthday, Parker! It sounds like you two had a great time celebrating. :)

  2. Sounds like you guys had a great time celebrating his birthday! :)

  3. Happy birthday Parker! Sounds like y'all had a wonderful celebration!

  4. Happy Birthday Parker! Looks like you guys had a great day together!



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