DIY Smooth Legs Peppermint Sugar Scrub | Anchors Aweigh


July 11, 2016

DIY Smooth Legs Peppermint Sugar Scrub

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #StimulateTheSenses #CollectiveBias

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I. Love. Summer. Love it! I love the sun, I love the cute shorts and sundresses, I love the pool... I just love it all. Since we girls find ourselves bare-legged for most of the Summer season, I thought I would share my latest favorite way to keep those legs silky smooth. It's not an expensive lotion or complicated beauty regimen. It's a sugar scrub! This peppermint sugar scrub exfoliates legs, leaving the smoothest finish! My favorite part? This scrub is made in 5 minutes and only has 3 ingredients! That's called winning, my friends. 

First, gather your supplies. You will need:

1 1/4 cups sugar
3/4 cup coconut oil
small mason jar

Step 1: Pour sugar into your mason jar.

Step 2: Add coconut oil. No need to mix yet!

Step 3: Add Nature's Truth Peppermint Essential Oil drops. I would put in about 10-15 drops, depending on how potent you want the peppermint to be. 

Step 4: Stir together with a spoon until the mixture becomes nice and fluffy. It should be gritty like a sugar scrub but easy to stir and break apart. 

That's it! Rub on your legs and enjoy feeling silky smooth! The secret behind this sugar scrub is the peppermint oil. It is refreshing and stimulating and great for massages. Each time you apply it to your legs, the cool and minty sensation will work with the sugar and coconut oil to help get those legs silky smooth for Summer! I chose Nature's Truth Essential Oils because they are great in DIY projects of many kinds. Soaps, candles, air fresheners... the sky is the limit! 

I used Nature's Truth Peppermint Essential Oil in the sugar scrub, but I also picked up a Tea Tree oil since it is known to be purifying and rejuvenating. I am already thinking about a diffuser with Tea Tree oil for my next DIY project!

This DIY Smooth Legs Peppermint Sugar Scrub makes a fabulous gift for your girlfriends or yourself! It's quick, fun, and effective. To make your own, head to CVS and look for Nature's Truth Essential Oils in the vitamin section. Don't forget to print off the coupon before you go!

What are some of your favorite Summer DIY projects?


  1. I'm definitely going to try this!

  2. oh how i love a good sugar scrub!

  3. I have every one of these ingredients so I'm going to have to make this! <3

  4. What a great idea! My wife loves sugar scrubs, and I'm going to share this idea with her. Thanks! #client

  5. I love DIYs with essential oils! This scrub is great - exfoliating and relaxing!



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