Happy Summer | A Little Break | Anchors Aweigh


July 26, 2016

Happy Summer | A Little Break

Hi friends! Things have been pretty sparse on this little blog and I am excited for that to change, but not quite yet. I miss blogging and am storing up all the things I want to share with you all, but I am going to take a couple of weeks to spend time with loved ones and catch up on life. 

Everyone have a great next couple of weeks, and we will catch up mid-August!

And because I am a firm believer that no blog post is complete without a picture, here's a picture of the pup that makes my little world go around. 


  1. Enjoy your break sweet friend, you have certainly earned it!

  2. enjoy your break friend :)
    Take the time to soak it all up and enjoy the moments! <3

  3. Have a nice break! Can't wait to read your posts when you return :)

  4. I hope you have the most wonderful break ♥

  5. We're going to miss you! I hope you enjoy your little break!!

  6. It seems like so many blog friends have been taking time off this summer (myself included). I hope you're enjoying your time... can't wait to catch up more in mid-August! :)


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