Six Years of Jenny Lovin' | Anchors Aweigh


July 6, 2016

Six Years of Jenny Lovin'

My best girl turned 6 yesterday! If you've read this blog long or follow me on any sort of social media, you know I love the Jen pup something fierce. She lights up our lives and has been my rock through life's hard times. It's all about her on the blog today!

I've blogged about this before, but we like to say Jenny is "the best spontaneous decision we've ever made". We adopted her through God's Little Creatures Rescue in College Station, TX 4 months before we were even married. We weren't living together, so Jenny lived with me and my roommates until Parker and I were married and in our own apartment. Needless to say, nobody really thought our "spontaneous decision" was the best idea. We would go to adoption events on Saturdays to pet the puppies, and you can only go so many times before you actually come home with one. That's what happened to us, anyway! Parker saw Jenny at the event and that was it. He was hook, line, and sinker, and I followed closely behind. We've been obsessed with her ever since!

She was about six months old then and has always had the sweetest disposition. She's calm, loves kids, and just wants to be our buddy. She thinks Parker is the cool one but is attached to my hip during the day. I am a pretty social person and adore my friends here, but I am also perfectly content spending the day with Jenny and count that as social interaction. Crazy dog lady, party of me. She's an excellent listener, sleeps 17 hours a day, and takes 1-2 leisurely strolls per day. I'd like to be her, please. 

And seriously, if I could give unsolicited advice to every military spouse on the secret to surviving deployment... Get a dog. Or a cat. Whatever you want, but adopt a furry companion. Life is sweeter with one around!

Happy birthday Jenny Lou! Six never looked quite so unimpressed! ;)


  1. I just love Jenny! I absolutely agree with you about having a pet during deployment, it's amazing how much better that makes the time apart.

  2. Happy birthday Jenny!!!! I can't imagine Andy deploying and me not having my cats to keep me company.

  3. We just visited a shelter yesterday and came home with our own 3yo furball! We're technically fostering him for a week first but we hope to make it official next week!

  4. with facing the fact that i will be moving soon...and knowing NO ONE where i will be going other than my fiance - i will be taking tobi. with him being 11 i'm terrified he is going to pass away on the trip / when we get there from the stress...but man i KNOW how important it will be to have a furry warm body to love a little more.

  5. I love her faces for the camera!!! Happy birthday, Jenny! :)

  6. She is seriously such a pretty, pretty girl!


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