How We Found Out The News... | Anchors Aweigh


August 22, 2016

How We Found Out The News...

Thank you all for the outpouring of love you have shown to our growing family! We are absolutely thrilled to be welcoming a son in February and are excited to finally share the details of this pregnancy! I took a nice little break from blogging which can directly be translated to "the first trimester rocked my world and I didn't have the energy to do anything". Now that I am feeling better and the secret is finally out, I am excited to be back in the swing of things!

Baby #2 has been so talked about and prayed for in our house for so long, but we always went back and forth on the right time to start trying for a second baby. The military complicates things and we wanted to avoid Parker missing a big chunk of our baby's first years of life if we could help it.

We tried for 2 months before he left, figuring it was a long shot but knowing that we would just try again when he returned if it didn't happen. I happened to have a doctor's appt the week after Parker left, and the doctor did a pregnancy test. It was negative. The doctor told me it was still early so there was a chance the test could have been a false negative, but I remember being frustrated that he gave me that hope. I cried a few tears when I got to my car. I knew God had a plan, and I knew we would be parents in His time, but hadn't we already been through enough? Why couldn't this be easier? Those are the thoughts that went through my mind in that moment.

I flew to Texas that following weekend to throw a baby shower for my twin sister (due any day now!). I still hadn't started my period, so I decided if by the time I got back home that was still the case, I would take a pregnancy test. It was Friday, and I wouldn't take that test until Tuesday morning. No way I would go those 4 days without getting a period, I thought. The weekend came and went, and I remember thinking on the flight home Monday evening "Oh my gosh, I am probably pregnant". 

I took a test first thing the next morning (June 14th), and that plus sign appeared clear as day! I couldn't believe it! I stood there in awe with my hand over my mouth just saying "Oh my gosh" over and over and over. I prayed, I cried, and I just stood there and stared at those two intersecting blue lines. So many emotions!

I wouldn't be able to talk to Parker until that evening, and the waiting about near killed me! I was so thankful I would get to talk to him that night though and not have to wait days to get a hold of him. He finally called that evening over Facetime. I asked him about his day and how things were going (let's be honest, in that moment I didn't care and just wanted to blurt my news). After several minutes of airplane talk, I finally cut him off and said "Okay my heart is beating so fast and I can't do this anymore!" He guessed it right there! He was so excited, so surprised, and feeling all those emotions that I had been feeling all day. Telling him definitely made it feel more real!

Ready or not, a brand new journey had started, and baby #2 was on the way! More baby updates to come tomorrow!


  1. This is too cute! I'm so happy for you guys! God is good!

  2. I LOVE THIS!!!! I was just telling Andy "Gosh I can't wait to hear all the details of Chelsea's pregnancy!"

  3. I love this! :) Can't wait to follow along on your journey. :)

  4. congratulations! Such cute pictures to illustrate your emotions!

  5. So awesome! I'm so glad everything worked out for you guys :)

  6. Ahh all of the emotions reading this-- so, so happy and excited for you guys! I'm impressed you were able to hold it in through a little bit of small talk first :)

  7. Oh my gosh! I love this! Congratulations you guys!!

  8. Aww, this is so fun!! I LOVE his face in those pictures!!! Priceless! :)

  9. Love your Facetime pics! They will be so great to show your child one day! Congratulations again!

    Ashley //

  10. I am so excited for you all! I can't wait to hear more about your little guy!


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