Things I Want To Remember: Week 13 | Anchors Aweigh


August 25, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 13

This week marked 13 weeks of carrying our son! It's crazy to think this is out last week in the first trimester, but I am not complaining one bit. There is something almost victorious about making it through that first trimester, and while I know as well as anyone that scary things still happen beyond the first 13 weeks, I am praising God for a successful first trimester of carrying our sweet boy.

1. Little boy must be growing because I sure am! The bump is definitely there and getting more and more obvious, though you still can't really tell in clothes since I wear looser fitting tops. It is still so surreal to be showing this early, but I love it!

2. I had another ultrasound this week! It seriously has to be some sort of record to have had 4 ultrasounds before 14 weeks, but I'll take it! I had the ultrasound at 13w4d, and baby boy is measuring a full week ahead still! If I didn't know the gender yet, I would have found out at the ultrasound. There was definitely something between the legs! It's pretty early to be able to see gender at 13 weeks but then again he is measuring almost 15. His heart rate was 150 bpm. All in all it was a great ultrasound and appointment!

3. The nausea has been rough this week. I thought I was getting better, but I think I just had a couple of good days in the mix. I came so close to throwing up on my way to my appointment, and I feel nauseous pretty intermittently throughout the day. 

4. Eating is still tough, and while I feel hungry all the time, few foods still sound good. A plain fast food cheeseburger always sounds good, but I am trying to limit those. 

5. As of 13w4d, I have not gained any weight! I am still exactly at my pre pregnancy weight, which is nice, but I am going to try to up my calorie intake and hope that number increases by my next appointment. 

Twin sister and I at 37 weeks and 13 weeks! So fun being pregnant together, although she is ready for her little man to make his appearance any day now! I'd prefer our little guy stay in a little longer. ;)


  1. I love the photo of you and your sister!!! :) Such an exciting time all the way around.

  2. Chelsea, I'm so ecstatic for your sweet family! Having a baby is such an adventure, and as a boy mama, myself, I have to say it's a true joy. You're going to be such a wonderful mama!

  3. I love this!!! I also love that you and Danielle get to be pregnant together!!!

  4. Chelsea, you are just darling! I'm truly over the moon happy for you. Every time I see an IG post or these kinds of blog posts about you and your family and your sweet baby boy, I just start crying happy tears all over again! And it's an even bigger blessing to see you and your sister expecting at the same least for a little while ; ). Being able to follow your sweet family's life for the past few years has been such a privilege. I know I have to sound crazy for saying this, but after following each new adventure of your life, I feel like I know you and even though we've never met outside of the blog world, I know that we would be such great friends if we met! You're such a great girl and this baby boy really is winning the parent lottery with you two! Again, you're incredible all around. I'm so excited to follow along on this journey.


    P.S. ...totally off subject...but your blog REALLY is the best. I say this because, usually I HATE when blogger's post sponsored/paid posts...but I often look forward to reading yours. I don't know how you do it, but you have a gift in the way you turn a paid/sponsored post into something I can be truly interested in. You don't just slap a product up on a blog post and begin saying the most obnoxious/cheesy/fake/ compliments on said product. You're able to take a certain product and write a very genuine blog post about it...whether you're taking the product and using a recipe around it...or using a product for a cleaning tip or house project, you always keep it real and fun to read, unlike most other paid/sponsored blog posts. I don't know how you do it, but thank you for making them fun to read : ).

  5. I love that you and your sister are able to be pregnant together -- how cute! Sounds like your baby boy is really growing! Congratulations ♥

  6. You are so cute!! I love your bump.

    Ashley //

  7. That is so fun that you and your sister get to experience that together. And to boys at that! You are looking great!

  8. Excuse my gushing over every post because I'm behind, but I'm so happy that y'all get to be prego together! So sweet :)

  9. Love this! And it's so great that you and your sister get to be pregnant for a while together! :)


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