Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


September 9, 2016

Life Lately

It's been a few weeks since I did a "Life Lately" post, so I see no time like the present to change that! Life has been pretty darn fun as of late, and I am trying to enjoy each day as it comes. Here's what life has looked like lately around these parts.

I took the babe on a little campus tour of sweet home Aggieland this past weekend and even bought him his first outfit! Maroon will be his favorite color by the time he gets here. ;)

Jenny has been loving time with her cousin Sully. It's so fun to watch them together. 99% of the time, they just happily coexist instead of playing, but it makes for a very relaxed household, so we aren't complaining. They both seem to love the company!

This is how Jenny feels about her cousin Sully. This is also how she feels about the new stick she found:

Power walking is my favorite morning activity! I love feeling like I am doing something good for my body, and my body has pretty much let it be known that no other forms of exercise are tolerated at this point. At least it's something! I took this sweaty bump selfie after a workout one morning to show Parker I don't spend all day sitting on the couch eating cheese puffs. ;)

Yesterday was my nephew's due date! Since he seems to be in no hurry to join us, Danielle, my mom, and I celebrated by getting our toes done. Danielle and I are both sporting blue toes for little man!

That's life lately! Happy Friday yall!


  1. Such an exciting time for all of you! And being a boy mama is just fabulous, Chelsea - you'll love every second of it!

  2. So happy to hear that you are feeling well. Love hearing about your journey. Lots of love from Grandma Pat & Pa Har

  3. I was hoping this post would end with a photo of your nephew but alas, it did not! Hurry up Baby Nephew!!!

  4. Aww, I hope you get to meet your new Nephew very soon!

  5. That's so cool you got to get pedicures with your mom and sister!! I bet that was a blast. And they say foot massage (certain trigger points) can cause labor to start, so maybe your nephew will be here soon!!! :)

  6. What an exciting time for y'all!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Blessings, Rebecca :)

  7. Glad you got to come home to Aggieland! Actually legitimately slightly saddened I didn't bump into you while you were here! Hope you had a wonderful time and get to back soon!

    Thanks, Gig 'em, and God Bless,



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