Things I Want To Remember: Week 15 | Anchors Aweigh


September 8, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 15

The first trimester may have crawled, but this second trimester is so far flying by! No complaints here! I send Parker pictures regularly of the growing bump, and his response is always something to the effect of "wow!" or "that's crazy!". My thoughts exactly, hubs. 

It was a fairly uneventful week, but I have learned in pregnancy that uneventful is a good thing! Here's what I want to remember about week 15!

1. I started incorporating running into my power walks this week! I am still mostly walking, but it feels so good to mix it up with a little running every now and then. I was a runner before I got pregnant and have been so looking forward to feeling well enough to run, even if it is at a snail's pace!

2. I bought my first items for our little guy this week! I couldn't pass up a couple of Texas A&M outfits. Parker and I have two goals for this kid: that he loves Jesus and becomes an Aggie. The first is a priority, but we wouldn't be upset if the second came true too. ;)

3. I eat sandwiches all. the. time. I'm only allowed to have deli meat if it's heated up, so I enjoy a panini every single day with turkey and cheese. It's what I most look forward to eating! I actually had two in one day recently... I wasn't mad about it. 

Twin sister and I at 39 weeks and 15 weeks. Our first and quite possibly last bump to bump picture!


  1. You look so beautiful - and the bump is so precious! Isn't it so funny to watch your body change and grow and feel that little life take shape inside of you? It's such a gift - and so exciting to share this time with your twin, no less. Wishing you all the best!

  2. Your bump is adorable! I've already bought my first outfit for Baby Cummins even though there won't be a Baby Cummins for years!!! It was a little onesie from Jamaica-- I thought it would be neat to get a souvenir for our little one(s) from each place we travel in the years before we have kids! Andy thought I was crazy, but I just couldn't resist! (It even says "Jamaican me crazy!" Too cute!)

  3. So fun!! Have fun shopping for all the adorable tiny clothes!!! :)

  4. You should check out Zulily for boy clothes. I find stuff on there all the time! Also you are adorable with your bump!


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