Things I Want To Remember: Week 16 | Anchors Aweigh


September 15, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 16

Well hey there week 16! I am 4 months pregnant with 6 months to go, but if the next 6 fly by as quickly as the first 4 did, I will be meeting this baby in no time! Week 16 was probably my favorite week of pregnancy so far for a few reasons. Here's what I want to remember about this 16th week of carrying our little boy.

1. The day I turned 16 weeks, my nephew came into the world! Parker and I are over the moon about being an aunt/uncle to this sweet babe, and his arrival has us so excited for the arrival of our own little one in February. 

2. I felt our little guy move! I wasn't sure at first but now I am pretty positive it is him, and it's just the most amazing thing ever. I only feel him when I am sitting still, but I break out into this huge cheesy grin every time he makes his presence known. It feels like a quick little fish just swimming away. It's so surreal to be feeling him so early. 

3. Working out stopped this week, and I definitely need to get back in the swing of things. I have been so busy hanging out with my nephew and helping my sister and brother in law out that I just haven't had time to fit it in. I'll work on it for next week!

4. I am really looking forward to my doctor's appointment next week. At the beginning of the pregnancy, I was going almost every other week and had 4 ultrasounds before 14 weeks (the perks of being high risk). Now that I am on a normal schedule, I go to the doctor once a month and I am itching to go back and hear his heartbeat! I love doctor's appointments!


  1. So excited to hear everything is going well! Blessings!

  2. I am so so glad that everything is going well, you are looking wonderful! :)

  3. Your little bump is adorable!!! I'm so glad the pregnancy is going well!

  4. I always loved appointments too because of the chance to see and/or hear Annabelle! It's so fun. :) Also, the fish thing... yes! Everyone compares feeling a tiny baby to a butterfly, but it's totally fish.

  5. You and your belly are so stinkin' adorable! I always loved hearing the heartbeat too! My husband and I actually ended up buying our own doppler so that we could listen to our babies' heartbeats whenever we wanted reassurance or to just listen for the sake of hearing that beautiful sound!


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