Things I Want To Remember: Week 18 | Anchors Aweigh


September 30, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 18

It's been a fabulous 18 weeks of carrying this little bundle of love! 18 weeks is a special week in pregnancy for me because it's the last week (according to the dating) that I carried Taylor Grace. I am thankful that I have God-willing many more weeks of pregnancy ahead with this sweet boy, but I am also thankful today for those first and only 18 weeks I had carrying my daughter.

1. I still call this phase the "pregnancy sweet spot", and my only real symptoms are frequent bloody noses (so weird, but I'll take those over nausea any day!) and thirst. I guzzle water all day and into the evenings and still feel so thirsty!

2. My stomach is starting to feel tight, and my belly button is starting to flatten. I sort of had a panic moment earlier this week thinking "We aren't even halfway there! How is my body going to do this?!". I feel like I am already pretty big and stretching out more by the day!

3. His movements are starting to feel much more pronounced. Rather than a little fish swimming, it now sometimes feels like something is doing front rolls in my stomach. It's so cool! I tried to let my mom feel when he was moving a lot, but she couldn't feel anything. He is still too small to be felt from the outside, so for now I will enjoy being the only one to feel his sweet little self. :)

4. My mom and I registered this week! It was fun to pick out all the cute and tiny things for our little man, and I hope I actually learn how to use half of them when he arrives. Clueless, party of one.


  1. I look forward to these posts every week! Love them! And look at that baby bump, that little cutie is a growing boy! <3 Eat all the food, 2nd trimester for the win!

  2. You look fantastic!!! :) Time really is flying by.

  3. You look so adorable!!! He'll be here before we know it!!

  4. You look great, girl! Prayers for continued health and enjoying all the changes!


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