DIY m&m Baby Halloween Costume | Anchors Aweigh


October 11, 2016

DIY m&m Baby Halloween Costume

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BacktoBabyBasics #CollectiveBias

Life around here lately has been all things baby. In addition to expecting my own little bundle of joy in a few months, my first nephew came into the world! It's been great spending so much time with him, and selfishly it's going to prove so helpful come February when my son is born. I am learning how to do the newborn thing and loving aunt life! With my nephew's first holiday being Halloween, I wanted to put together an easy little DIY Halloween costume. This took 5 minutes to put together and came out pretty cute if I do say so myself!

To dress your baby like a little m&m, head to Babies "R" Us to pick up a few essentials! It was really nice being able to walk into a Babies "R" Us vice shopping online. Not only do they have all of the baby necessities, but they are experts in the baby industry and can provide some much needed guidance to this clueless mama to be!

Supplies needed to create your own DIY m&m baby Halloween costume are:

1. bodysuit in the color of your choice (I love the red m&m's so I chose red!)
2. a sheet of white felt
3. fabric glue
4. scissors
5. "m" letter silhouette (just search m&m's "m" and print)
4. m&m's for snacking and to get you into the Halloween spirit!

1. Cut out the "m" and trace it onto the white felt. I traced the back so that no pen marks would be visible when it came time to apply the letter!

2. Apply fabric glue to the back of the "m" and press letter firmly onto the center of the bodysuit. 

3. That's it! Eat a handful of m&m's for your trouble and step back and admire your extremely easy yet adorable work. 

I am going to give this to my sister as a little "Halloween gift" for my nephew, and I grabbed a package of Huggies Natural Care Wipes to throw in as well. If there is one thing I have learned in my nephew's first month of life, it's that this kid goes through far more diapers and wipes than I ever thought possible! My sister will probably appreciate the package of wipes more than the costume!

For the mamas out there, Babies "R" Us is hosting a First Halloween instore event on 10/15 from 11am-12pm. They will have a keepsake craft and parade around the store to celebrate baby's first Halloween! They will help prepare mamas for the colder weather with different solutions and tips while hosting giveaways and raffles! Meet and mingle with local moms and have fun

Look for Huggies Natural Care Wipes in the diaper section of your local Babies "R" Us!

What are some of your favorite Halloween baby crafts?


  1. This is so adorable!!! I picked up E's Halloween costume when I was in Florida and I can't wait for her to wear it. :)

  2. The HR Department at my old job did the M&Ms for our group costume. I was the red M!

  3. Congrats on your first, such an exciting time! This is a great costume idea, and would also be perfect as a family of three.

  4. How cute! My daughter would want to be the green M&M! #client


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