Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


October 13, 2016

Life Lately

Life lately has been wonderfully ordinary, but I don't want to forget these moments. The normal, every day moments are what I know I will miss one day, so I am really trying to savor each day as it comes! Here's what life lately has looked like in our neck of the woods...

My favorite activity as of late is loving on my two favorite babies... one in my belly and the other in my arms. This aunt stuff is the best! I don't think the mom stuff will be too bad either. ;)

Speaking of mom stuff, Jenny is very attentive and ready to meet the new addition. Kidding, I really don't think she has a clue what's coming. I could have sworn she knew there was something different when I was pregnant with Taylor. I think that might have been in my head, because she doesn't seem phased at all by the growing, sometimes moving, stomach. 

 On the Jenny front, she's been doing her usual thing of chasing squirrels, walking the neighborhood, and playing sports. Here she is honing in her soccer skills...

...and she also likes to keep up with her tennis game. A pup of many talents, this one!

Speaking of pups, I stopped to take a selfie with my fur-nephew one gorgeous Saturday afternoon. He gave his best pupper smile for the picture!

 My favorite part about life right now is all of the wonderful family time I'm getting to have. My mom and I spent last Saturday shopping and lunching, and it was just the best day. Take us to La Madeleine, give us a quiche, and we are happy girls! My mom is so cute!

I also met up with my little sisters for a quick dinner to give them a break from studying. So much fun, and such a great reminder that, while college is awesome, not having to study every night is awesome too. ;)

That's life lately!


  1. It sounds like life has been absolutely wonderful lately ♥ I am loving all of the adorable photos you shared!

  2. What a great life...lately :) I'm glad things are just moving right along for you!

  3. So glad you are savoring these special moments :)

  4. These are such wonderful moments!!! :) You deserve all the happiness.

  5. Your mom is so gorgeous! Does she have an secrets to share? Love the pictures of Jenny, esp the one of you, her and the baby bump!

  6. girl your bump is so cute! <3


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