Things I Want To Remember: Week 21 | Anchors Aweigh


October 20, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 21

We are officially on the back half of the pregnancy, which feels like an accomplishment in and of itself! Here are the little things that have occupied week 21 of pregnancy...

1. The big symptom this week has been increased indigestion. When I lay down to go to sleep at night, it gets pretty bad. It feels like hot liquid rising up in my throat, and I have to force myself to think about something else so I can fall asleep. Thankfully, once I am asleep, I stay asleep. :)

2. I am sleeping really well lately and need a good 9 hours every night to get through the day. Growing a human is tiring, yall! 

3. I get winded really easily. Walking up or down the stairs makes me feel out of breath, which sounds so pathetic, but it's true!

4. Our little guy is still kicking away, and I am loving all of his sweet movements! The movements are all below the belly button, which the ultrasound tech said was normal for this stage of pregnancy. 

5. I feel like I am carrying him pretty low, but I've always heard you carry boys lower than girls. Who knows if that is an old wives tale or not, but it seems to be true in this case!

6. My belly button is not really a belly button anymore. It's almost completely flat... so weird!


  1. Oh man the heartburn I had with E was terrible!!! I hope yours gets better.


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