Things I Want To Remember: Week 22 | Anchors Aweigh


October 27, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 22

It's crazy to think I still have potentially 18 weeks to go, but as I write this I can feel my baby kicking away, so I will try to treasure the weeks left! Week 22 has been uneventful (let's be honest- that's the best kind of pregnancy) but still just as special!

1. The one really cool thing that happened this week is my mom finally felt the baby kick! I've been feeling him for weeks and have felt him several times from the outside, but he always stops moving the second someone puts their hand on my stomach. Not this week! My mom felt him, and I am feeling him more and more when I rest my hand on my belly. It's the best!

2. Nosebleeds are still a thing. I really don't mind them. It's probably the most mild pregnancy symptom I've had!

3. Baby boy sits pretty low, which means I go to the bathroom and immediately feel like I have to go again. 

4. Yall, I feel so big! This belly is so giant for being only 22 weeks... starting to wonder how much bigger it can get! I love love love having a big baby though!


  1. That is so special that your mom got to feel him kick!!! :)

  2. So I am blog slacker because I did not know you were pregnant! Congrats!! I am happy for y'all!

  3. Yay for feeling him kick, it really is an amazing feeling. :)

  4. Hi guys! I'm brand new to your blog, just stumbled across it a few days ago and have been binging from the beginning trying to catch up. :) Congratulations on your growing family. I'm so excited to follow you through the rest of your pregnancy and Parker's homecoming. Sending love from Nebraska...


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