Halloween Things | Anchors Aweigh


November 1, 2016

Halloween Things

Halloween 2016 is in the books, and it is officially November! How in the world did that happen?! October is one of the most magical months of the year with the crisp Fall weather and pumpkin everything, so as sad as I am to see it go, I love that we are now so close to the holidays. Yay November!

I didn't go all out for Halloween this year, but I know we will pull out all the bells and whistles next year when we take our little boy trick-or-treating for the first time! And since he will be 8 months old, he will get to look cute in a costume and we will get to eat all the candy. #winning

Even though we didn't do anything crazy for Halloween this year, I still couldn't resist dressing Jenny up in her annual pumpkin costume, and her cousin Sully joined her as a crocodile this year. Needless to say, they hate us. #worthit

This silly pumpkin costume has been with us since 2011 and has really never fit, but that doesn't stop me from making Jenny wear it for at least 5 minutes every year. She absolutely thinks it's the worst. I'm a mean dog mom for putting my girl through that all for a picture, but come on, how cute is this pumpkin pup?!

 Of course the real star this year was my little pumpkin nephew! He tolerated his costume a little longer than the pups did and was the cutest pumpkin in the patch. I just love him so!

That's a wrap on Halloween 2016! 


  1. Haha! This is animal cruelty! At least they are all cute!(including my nephew!)

  2. I didn't dress up Lily or Gracie this year... Lily was not happy with the trick or treaters at our house and Gracie was scared of the barking! Thankfully we ran out of candy in an hour which meant Lily would stop barking!

  3. I got a lion costume for Bo and he did NOT like it at all, but he put up with it because I love him, haha.

  4. These poor dogs getting roped into the Halloween shenanigans! Our dog Charlie was a hot dog and his facial expressions were equally excited :) But I did think it was better for him to be out trick or treating than to go crazy with all the strangers coming to our door. He wasn't having that either!


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