Morning Goals Kicked Up A Notch | Anchors Aweigh


November 2, 2016

Morning Goals Kicked Up A Notch

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BrushingEvolvedBBB #CollectiveBias

When I got pregnant, one of the 5,000 things the doctor told me was to watch out for gum sensitivity. Apparently, your gums become much more sensitive when pregnant, making you more susceptible to gingivitis. I said "okay" and proceeded to promptly forget about it. After all, the doctor also told be 4,999 other things at this appointment!

A few weeks in, I realized that doctor was not kidding. My gums hurt from brushing, and flossing made them bleed like there was no tomorrow. I fought my inner urge to go with the easy solution (brush for less time and cut flossing) and decided I was going to have to prioritize my dental hygiene now more than ever. Thankfully, I found just the tool to help me do it!

The new Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush ensures I am prioritizing my oral health like I should. What sets this toothbrush apart is the innovative and revolutionary smartphone app that comes with it. It gives me personalized, real-time feedback on how good of a brusher I am, if I missed any spots while brushing, if I'm applying too much pressure, or if I am using an excessive scrubbing motion. I have always had a problem with "brushing too hard". It feels like I am doing a better job that way, but I have had dentist after dentist tell me that this is not the case. With my new and not-so-improved pregnancy gums, brushing harder is making my poor mouth miserable. The Sonicare app is keeping me honest as I work to correct this bad habit!

I've always been big into setting goals. If I write it down, it's almost guaranteed that I will set my mind to it and do it. It's that whole OCD-must-complete-the-task thing. But hey, whatever gets the goals accomplished! With my new electric toothbrush as my inspiration, I set out to make new morning hygiene goals that will benefit my oral care and get my day started on the right foot. Here are the 5 I am working to stick to each and every morning!

1. Brush for 2 minutes
2. Ensure I am following the Sonicare app's personalized advice for the entire brushing
3. Floss 
4. Drink 8 oz of water
5. Take a breath, smile, and commit to having a productive day!

With these new morning goals, my day starts off on the right foot, and my smile has never been healthier. To kickstart your own new and improved morning hygiene routine, stop by Bed, Bath, and Beyond to pick up your own Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush!

 Do you have a morning routine that helps you kickstart your day? Do share!


  1. I could totally use this toothbrush! I just went to the dentist this morning and he said I needed to take better care of my teeth!

  2. It's amazing how pregnancy can cause so many different issues including with your teeth and gums.


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