Peace Of Mind During Deployment | Anchors Aweigh


November 23, 2016

Peace Of Mind During Deployment

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®  & Road ID but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #roadid #RoadIDItsWhoIAm

When Parker deployed, safety obviously became a huge concern for all of us. I still wanted to continue an active lifestyle of running, walking, and exercising outdoors, but I felt the added risks with Parker away.

Obviously we were in for a huge surprise this deployment. Just 10 days after Parker left, we found out we were pregnant! My plan to run a gajillion miles during deployment quickly fell by the wayside (hello first trimester that rocked my world!), but I still wanted to remain active and enjoy the outdoors. Daily nature walks with Jenny became my go-to, and I have loved every minute of it.

Being pregnant and going on long walks by myself poses a few risks. Throw in the fact that my husband is overseas, and it forced us to take pause. If something were to happen to me, who would know? If I passed out from exhaustion or experienced a pregnancy complication and was unable to speak for myself, it could be days before Parker was notified. That didn't sit well with either of us.

We turned to Road ID to give us the peace of mind we needed. Road ID was created on the concept that active people should wear ID as part of their gear when participating in outdoor activities. I have both the slim band and sport band and alternate between the two. You can customize the information, so of course I have my name, city, and emergency contact numbers for my husband and mom.

I had heard friends talk about Road ID and was always intrigued. Looking back, it took me way too long to pull the trigger and purchase one. Each year, 450,000 people are taken to the hospital unconscious and without ID. Year after year, over 122,000 runners, walkers, and cyclists are hit by cars. Thousands more suffer from blackouts, heart attacks, concussions, heat strokes, and other serious accidents. Yall, it's just not worth the risk. This bracelet could literally save a life.

Road ID has been the perfect way to ease both Parker's and my mind during deployment, but Road ID really is for everyone. When it comes to safety, it's about being smart. And this is smart.

From 11/24 through 11/28, take advantage of 20% off ALL Road ID products and gift cards, while supplies last!

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