Things I Want To Remember: Week 23 | Anchors Aweigh


November 3, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 23

The weeks are flying by, and our little guy will be here before we know it! I am so ready to meet him and at the same time not ready at all. Does that sound crazy? We have a few months to go, but I know they are going to pass so quickly with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Here's what week 23 looked like for us!

 1. I had my first baby shower this past Sunday! It was thrown by 5 wonderful family friends and held at my mother-in-law's house, and it absolutely could not have been more perfect. The decorations were beautiful, everyone was so kind and generous, and I was reminded over and over how blessed we are to be bringing this little boy into the world. I will do a full post on it soon!

2. I'm so pregnant. I'm over here thinking I am 8 months pregnant and then have to remind myself I am only 23 weeks. My belly just feels so big!

3. I was rubbing my belly and felt a small, hard protrusion. It was the coolest thing! It had to be either his head or his bottom, and it disappeared after I rubbed it a few times. It's just an amazing yet crazy reminder of the sweet little life growing away inside me!

I forgot to take an actual bump picture, so here is the only solo shot I could find from the shower of my bump. It isn't quite a profile shot, but it will have to do!

That's 23 weeks!


  1. You looked beautiful at your baby shower! Love that dress. :)

  2. You look so beautiful!!! You're absolutely glowing and you make that bump look amazing!!! Ahh, I'm so happy for you!!! :)

  3. Wow, girl, you are GLOWING! The love you have for this life growing inside of you is so evident. Thank you for blessing us by sharing this journey. I can't wait to hear all about the shower. :)

  4. You look so great! I bet the next 17 weeks will fly by! <3 I loved feeling those little bumps, not so much a foot in the rib, but the little bumps on the belly were always so great!


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