Deployment Video | Anchors Aweigh


December 21, 2016

Deployment Video

A little known fact about me is that I think my husband has the coolest job in the world. There is something about being a Naval Aviator that is just so cool to me. I am like his little groupie. It's a rarity these days to be truly getting to live out your passion, so seeing Parker do that is just the greatest feeling as his wife. 

He put together this video to show "a day in the life" while he has been away. He did a great job on it, so I wanted to share! Enjoy!


  1. That video is just the coolest! I'm soooo excited for you and Parker!!!

  2. This is so cool and I'm going to show my brother (who wants to be a Marine aviator :). Thank you so much for sharing this!

  3. This is so cool and I'm going to show my brother (who wants to be a Marine aviator :). Thank you so much for sharing this!


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