Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


December 13, 2016

Life Lately

Here's a look at life lately in our neck of the woods...

First of all, thank you so much for all of the prayers for sweet Jenny! I blogged last week about her surgery to remove a cancerous mass from her leg. The surgery went great, and now we wait for the biopsy results to tell us if the cancer has spread to the rest of her body. We are praying the tumor they removed was stage one, meaning nothing has spread and they got it all. Would you please pray this with us?

While she was getting the exam that ultimately revealed she had a tumor, I looked up to see this look on her face... Poor thing hates the vet, but Parker and I have laughed about this picture so many times. Her eyes couldn't be bigger!

Post-surgery means she gets to wear the cone of shame for a couple of weeks. Needless to say, she hates it. I don't make her wear it if I am in the room with her, but she has to wear it any other time. Here she is trying to convince Dad to make Mom take this darn thing off of her. 

Saturday morning, I had my first ever massage experience in the form of a prenatal massage! My sweet friend gave me a gift certificate this past summer, so I saved it for when I was nice and pregnant and in need of a little relaxation. It felt great!

Saturday evening, a few friends came over for a Christmas craft night. We love any excuse to get together, and we spent the entire evening painting wine glasses and indulging in girl talk. These two were over until after 1 AM, but we finished our glasses! So much fun. 

When these two friends came over for craft night, there was a giant box in my entry way. It is the glider for the nursery and has been there for over a week, but the pieces were way too heavy for a pregnant lady to lift, so I had to leave it there. They not only took the pieces out of the box and carried them upstairs, but they assembled the glider for me. Soooo grateful! That box was driving me nuts, and not being independent enough to take care of it myself was tough considering I can be so stubborn. I now have an assembled glider, an empty entry way, and some very wonderful girlfriends. 

Other than that, life lately has consisted of snuggling a brown dog, walks around the neighborhood, and Friends marathons on the couch. I can't complain!


  1. That picture of Jenny is too funny! Poor thing!! That is so sweet that your friends put together the glider for you!

  2. Sending well wishes for a quick recovery to sweet Jenny and that this time in the cone brings you extra snuggles!

  3. yay for a massage! They are lifesaver during pregnancy.

  4. aren't the massages the BEST!??!?! seriously!
    ps HER EYES! HER EYES!!!

  5. My fingers are crossed for a speedy recovery and good news that the cancer was fully removed with the tumor ♥ Sounds like an amazing night with friends! What type of paint did you use on the wine glasses? How fun!

  6. Oh sweet Jenny :( We are saying lots of prayers for her over here in Hawaii. Wrapping you both up in a big hug! Please keep us updated!


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