Recent Reads: December | Anchors Aweigh


December 15, 2016

Recent Reads: December

I remember when I used to review 3 books a month on this little blog. I think it was July or August that I last did? Clearly, I have been slacking! I told myself I would become a full on bookworm when Parker deployed, and for some reason, the opposite happened. I had all the time in the world and dedicated it to the ever productive... wait for it... Netflix. It happens, yall.

I did manage to finish 3 books to review for December though! I loved every single one and am so excited to share them with my fellow book lovers. All different genres yet equally enjoyable. So, here we go!

Look Again
By Lisa Scottoline

Lisa Scottoline is probably my favorite author right now. She writes novels about nightmarish things happening, but every situation is realistic and forces you to put yourself in the character's position and say "What would I do?". In Look Again, Ellen receives a missing child card in the mail with a picture of a baby that looks strikingly like her son. She knows her adoption of him is legal and right, but she still can't shake the fact that something is off. As she dives into the mystery, she uncovers more and more details that will ultimately put her in an unthinkable predicament: tell the truth and risk losing him forever or hide and hope nobody finds out? This is the kind of book that had me hook, line, and sinker, and I can't recommend it enough!

The Knockoff
By Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza

This was such a fun, enjoyable read. It's about a fashion magazine's editor in chief who is somewhat of an icon in the fashion world. When she returns to work after a leave of absence, her magazine has been taken over by her old assistant, and nothing is the same. She is forced to adapt and deal with this young, entitled girl's way of doing things while still maintaining what she values most about the magazine. It's such a fun story and would make a really good chick flick! I loved it!

December Caravan
By Rebecca Vandemark

This third book is a collection of short stories written by my sweet friend and fellow blogger, Rebecca Vandemark over at Caravan Sonnet. Rebecca gives a raw and honest glimpse into her life, starting with the abrupt ending to her engagement and navigating through various health issues that have come up along the way. She has been through more than most ever have to deal with, yet her faith and love for the Lord is evident and encouraging throughout the book. It's a quick read that will leave you feeling uplifted and grateful for a God that loves us no matter what life may throw our way. I enjoyed it!

Have you read anything nightstand-worthy lately? I'd love to hear!


  1. Ooo the first one seems up my alley - it's seems like Jodi Picoult's books, which I LOVE. Thanks for sharing them!

  2. Look Again sounds interesting! And I loved Rebecca's book! Haha Netflix is the reason I don't read as much as I planned either!

  3. Ah, thanks for sharing! Look Again sounds like it's just up my alley, and I'm always looking for new books to add to my list (as if I don't have enough waiting to be read...) :)

  4. These sound really interesting! I am definitely adding to my list.

  5. THANK YOU so much for including December Caravan and the amazingly kind words that you said about it!! You are such a gift!! Thank you again friend!

    Rebecca :)


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