Things I Want To Remember: Week 28 | Anchors Aweigh


December 7, 2016

Things I Want To Remember: Week 28

Hello 3rd trimester! I really can't believe I just wrote that. We are in the 3rd trimester and have 3 months or less to go until we meet this sweet boy! I am 28 weeks and feeling every bit of it, but I am so happy to be to this point!

I had a doctor's appointment this week and got to hear that wonderful heartbeat! Doctor's appointments aren't as nerve racking this late in pregnancy because I can constantly feel him move, so I am fairly confident there is a heartbeat ;). His heartbeat is in the 140s, and my belly is measuring right on track for 28 weeks.

I found out my doctor can't deliver me, which is a big bummer. I absolutely love love love my doctor. She is just the nicest and knows everything about my history with each pregnancy. She is pregnant with twins due in April, which is so exciting, but she is not delivering after January. I am due in February, so I will have another doctor from the practice. I am bummed because I love my doctor so much, but I feel confident that any other doctor in the practice will take good care of baby and me and make the right decisions when it's time to bring him into the world.

I gained another 4 pounds in the last 3 weeks, bringing my total to +19 from my pre-pregnancy weight. I think I will hit the +30 mark before he gets here, and honestly, that is fine. I feel good, baby looks good, and doctor is happy. No complaints here.

I hit another pregnancy milestone and had my glucose test! I had the orange flavor and honestly thought it was totally delicious. I am a big water drinker and really don't drink anything else, and it tasted like an orange Gatorade, which was quite the treat. It probably also helped that I wasn't allowed to drink anything an hour before and was super thirsty. I got my results a few days later and passed. :)

Indigestion has been a nightly thing for the past couple of months, but now, it is an every meal kind of thing. I eat small meals but still have indigestion after everything I eat. From my morning bowl of cereal to my sandwich at lunch, indigestion is for dessert every time. ;)


  1. I had horrible indigestion with E and I attribute that to the full head of hair she came out with haha. Yay for passing the glucose test, I loved the drink too.

  2. That's a bummer about your doctor, but you'll still be in great hands! And you are all belly! So precious!!!

  3. I can't believe you liked the glucose drink! haha! I'm a sugar addict and LOVE Gatorade, and it was waaayyyyyy too sweet for me! I couldn't even handle it. I do mix my Gatorade half and half with water, though. I almost threw up after drinking it, and my stomach felt funny all day. Glad you had a much better experience! :)

    That indigestion is NO JOKE. I had it so bad in the third trimester, and I was so confused when my baby was born bald! haha!


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