Things I Want To Remember: Weeks 31 & 32 | Anchors Aweigh


January 4, 2017

Things I Want To Remember: Weeks 31 & 32

Well, I completely missed blogging week 31 of pregnancy. Oops! I didn't blog at all last week while preparing for Parker's homecoming, so I will do a combined recap of weeks 31 and 32 today. I am 32 weeks along now, aka 8 months pregnant. Holy cow, yall. It's starting to get real...

Well, the best thing that happened during this time frame was I welcomed Parker home from deployment at 31w5d pregnant! His reaction to this giant belly/wiggly baby has been so sweet. He is constantly putting his hand on my belly, kissing my belly, and laughing when he feels the baby move. These are all firsts for him, so it just makes it so extra special. 

Baby boy now gets the hiccups several times a week, so that's been fun! It's a great time to let someone feel the baby because the hiccups are so rhythmic. Typically, if someone puts their hand on my stomach, little guy decides to stop kicking. He's been pretty good about letting Parker feel him though, so I am grateful for that!

I *think* Braxton Hicks may have started. Yall, I have no idea. These are all firsts for me. It feels like what people describe as Braxton Hicks contractions, but it could totally just be him rolling over. Rookie pregnant lady, party of one. 

Baby boy has been sitting low most of the pregnancy, but now that he is bigger, I feel so much pressure on my pelvis and bladder. Sometimes, I walk around with my hand under my bump just for extra support. This baby is heavy!

Since Parker is home, he started building the baby's changing table! We are so excited to start getting the nursery together. At 8 months pregnant, it was time. ;)

This picture was taken by Photography for Jesus the day of Parker's homecoming at 31w5d!


  1. Welcome home to Parker! I'm glad you guys get to prep for your little man together!

  2. Braxton Hicks are no joke! Wow no one tells you how bad those things hurt.

  3. Ugh, Braxton Hicks... I had them forEVER it felt like! Yay for Parker feeling all the baby kicks - how fun!! :)

  4. You look so amazing! And I love your welcome home sign!

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