Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


February 6, 2017

Life Lately

Life lately consists of 98% talking about the tiny human growing inside me and 2% normal life. That said, I want to remember these last couple of weeks that are just Parker and me. It's crazy to think that our lives are about to change forever. We can't wait. :) Here's life lately...

We bought a car! Typical cliche thing to do when the husband gets back from deployment, but it was time! We traded in my old car, I took Parker's car because it's still pretty new and the perfect size for a baby, and Parker got a new car. So fun!

Posing one last time with my old car. My parents bought me this car when I was 18, and I had it for 9 great years! It's always nostalgic trading in a car you feel like you experienced so much life with, but on to bigger and better things. :)

We have been trying to do as many date nights as we can before we are on house arrest for the next few months. Wings, pho, and sushi (cooked sushi for me!) have been frequent stops. I don't hate it.

And since it's officially my birth month, I get to pick where we eat/what we do. Basically, that means we get lots and lots of froyo. Parker and I started celebrating birth months when we got married almost 6 years ago, and since I will likely have a baby halfway through mine, I am capitalizing now!

This girl has been the best little buddy as always. She hangs out with me during the day and sits with me in the nursery while I daydream of our little guy. We've had people say "she is going to be such a good big sister!". It's a nice thought, and she definitely won't be a bad sister, but she also isn't going to care one bit about this baby. We expect her to be very unimpressed, as per the usual.

If there were ever a picture that summed up what our evenings look like together, this would be it... hanging out on the floor with the Jen pup. Parker is easily her favorite, but what else is new?

My friends took me out for an early birthday brunch, and I felt so special and loved! This group of girls has become my family out here. They are what makes Virginia home. 

I received this beautiful blanket from one of my sorority sisters (my gran big!), and I couldn't love it more. I draped it over the glider so it's one of the first things I see when I walk into the room. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to wrapping our son up in this blanket. He will always know he has the best guardian angel in Heaven.

That's life lately! It's not glamorous, but we are trying to keep everything as normal as we can before baby comes and life does a 180!


  1. Congrats on the new car! I'd say you got some good use out of your old one! Love your baby's blanket. It's so special. Those wings look delicious. I bet you're so happy to have Parker back! Happy Birth Month!

  2. Congrats on the new car!! Happy Birth Month!

  3. Good for you guys! I'm glad you're spending as much one on one time as possible - you deserve it!

  4. Yay for a new car! We did the same thing when I was pregnant and it was definitely worth it.

  5. Congrats on the new car!! I'm sure you're just enjoying spending so much time with Parker before the baby comes!


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