Things I Want To Remember: Week 37 | Anchors Aweigh


February 9, 2017

Things I Want To Remember: Week 37

As I am sitting here typing this, I can't help but wonder if this is the last update I will do. Every night since Monday, I have gone to sleep thinking I am going to go into labor, and every morning, I wake up still pregnant. No idea at this point, but we are ready for this baby when he is ready to come! Here's what week 37 has looked like...

I had an ultrasound this week to check on our sweet little chunk, and all still looks good! He is head down, measuring in at 8 lb 2 oz with his head and abdomen both measuring in the greater than 99th percentile. He is measuring overall in the 93rd percentile. So, to sum up, Mr. Chunky is still chunky. Loved getting to see his sweet features on the ultrasound, and that should be the last one we do before we meet him!

I am still doing twice weekly non-stress tests to measure his reactivity since I am considered poly (this just means I have extra amniotic fluid). He has been a champ on each test, and the doctors usually take me off pretty quickly when they see how well he is doing. 

He seems to get the hiccups a lot lately. He gets them at least once a day and usually a couple of times each day, which is way more than he used to. 

I didn't gain any weight last week, and apparently that caught up to me this week. I gained 5 pounds in one week. I couldn't believe it- that seems high for this stage! He did put on a pound and I have even more fluid than I did, so I'm not concerned, just a little surprised! This brings my total pregnancy weight gain to 31 pounds. 

The doctor stripped my membranes (not fun) at my appointment Monday, and I am dilated to a 3. Does that mean he is going to come soon?? Who knows!

We officially have a date scheduled for a c section if he stays put long enough. If he comes this week, I may try to have him on my own. I know God has the perfect birth plan prepared, so I am trying to stay relaxed and trust that our son will arrive safely. 


  1. You look amazing! Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for y'all and can't wait to see pictures of him!!! :)

    Kourtney @

  2. Best of luck with labor and delivery and you look amazing

  3. I can't believe you are so close to meeting your little boy!!! Such an exciting time. :)

  4. SO EXCITING! I'm praying for you guys!

  5. I can't believe he will be here so soon!!!


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