Month One Favorites | Anchors Aweigh


March 20, 2017

Month One Favorites

We officially have a one month old! How in the world did that happen? It's gone by so quickly but simultaneously feels like he has been with us for a long time. I am willing time to slow down because this newborn phase is just so sweet.

I thought I would take today to share the products that got us through this first month. When we registered for baby gifts, I had no clue what I was doing. Does any first time mom really have a clue? This one sure didn't! I knew the items that were helpful to my sister with her son, but other than that, I winged it.

Now that we are a month in, there are several products that I swear by and have made day-to-day life so much easier.

1. My Medela iPhone App- This has been a lifesaver. I use it to document his feedings, but you can also document wet/dirty diapers, pumping, and sleeping patterns. I can never remember what time he ate (#mombrain), so I refer back to my app about 100 times a day to see if it's time to eat. If nursing, there is a timer so you know exactly how long each feeding is and which side the baby fed on last. Couldn't recommend this enough, and it's free!

2. Boppy Newborn Lounger- If I need to put him down or just want him to be able to stretch, this is where he goes. He is pretty content sitting there for a little while, and it's great to put on the kitchen table while I scarf down a meal. I wanted to make sure he wasn't held 24/7 in those first weeks of life so that he would be content when the time came that I was on my own and had to put him down, and the newborn lounger has been perfect for that.

3. Graco Glider Elite Gliding Swing- He usually takes 1-2 long naps per day, and at least one of them is in the swing. This is my productive time where I cook, clean, etc. We love this swing and so does our son.

4. Fisher Price Rock n Play- This is where he sleeps, and it's been great. He has slept well in it since the day he came home, and it doesn't take up a lot of space. I'm a big fan of the Rock n Play.

5. Wipeable Changing Pad Cover- There are so many cute changing pad covers out there and many much cuter than the one I have, but yall, the wipeable feature is a game changer. I never have to wash it when he inevitably poops or pees on the changing table. I just wipe it down with a Clorox wipe, and we are good to go. The cloth ones are cute, but you will be washing them several times a week!

6. My Brest Friend- This is what I use to nurse him, so it's easily our most used baby product. It makes breastfeeding comfortable for both of us. You know you are parents when the phrase "Have you seen my brest friend?" is used multiple times a day. ;)

7. Spectra Breast Pump- This pump came highly recommended over the Medela, so I decided to give it a go. I absolutely love it. I can pump one side at a time rather than having to pump both, and it uses a charger, so I don't have to plug it in when I use it. I could pump in the car if I wanted to. It's awesome!


  1. The boppy lounger and rock n play are the best!!!! Couldn't live without those.

  2. Glad you have found the necessities that work well for you!! Woohoo! Makes life so much easier, right?! I also find it ironic that we didn't use anything on this list, so it really is so much personal preference on what makes life with a newborn easier / better! So cool! I hope you're settling in well a month later! :)

  3. #6! It's my favorite! I'm on my third kid, and this pillow is still trucking along.

  4. Rock and Play is my most recommended baby item. Must have for us!


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