Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


April 26, 2017

Life Lately

Tap tap... is this thing on? I have really let blogging fall by the wayside but am determined to get back into it. I miss this little slice of the Internet! Since it's been a while, here's a little life lately from our neck of the woods. 

Preston visited daddy for the first time at work! It was family day in Parker's squadron, so we took the baby to see the planes. I'm sure his little 8 week old self was really into it. ;)

Parker and I realized that our time in Virginia is going to end before we can blink, so we need to see and do as much as possible before we leave! Virginia Beach has a really great aquarium that we had yet to see, so we loaded up the baby and stroller and went to check it out. We discovered we are more zoo people than aquarium people, but it was a really cool facility and still a great way to spend a Saturday!

My first post-pregnancy run with my best girl was amazing! I have so been looking forward to running again, and Jenny was happy to come along!

Easter was our first holiday as a family of four! Since we weren't able to be with our families in Texas, we hosted Easter dinner for a few friends here in VA. It was a great day with people that we love!

Family park day! Most of these activities will probably be a little more exciting when our son is a little older, but carpe diem. I love a good park date!

Baby's first time on the swings! He loved it so much that he slept right through it. ;)

I looked over and Jenny had decided my breastfeeding pillow was the perfect pillow for a pup. She snuggled right in and proceeded to take a little snooze.

My twin and her husband and son came to visit us this past week in Virginia! We had been looking forward to this trip for months and had the absolute best time. Our only complaint was that it went by way too quickly. One of our favorite parts was walking along the beach. Babies and the beach... nothing better, yall.

This past Sunday, we dedicated our son to the Lord at church! It was so special and something I have always dreamed of doing. We want him to choose to be baptized when he is older, so by dedicating him to the Lord, we made a promise to bring him up in a Godly household and point him toward Jesus. The verse we chose for him was Deuteronomy 31:6.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you."

It was so special having family in town for Preston's dedication!

Two of our best friends came as well. This baby is so well loved, and we couldn't be more grateful. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and this is part of ours!

Well, as I finish this up, I have a baby that has let it be known that he is over playing on his activity mat, so I'm off to tend to that. That's life lately!


  1. Love hearing these updates! God is so good!! Thank you for taking the time in the midst of all of the newness and this busy time to share!! Continuing to pray for you and your precious little family.

    Blessings, Rebecca :)

  2. So glad things are going well for y'all :) Preston appears to snooze his way through all the cool, important things ;)

  3. it's amazing how good that first post baby run feels!

  4. You guys are SO CUTE!! Love love love the pics of you and your sister both wearing babies. My sister and I had babies five weeks apart, and it's so much fun. :)

  5. I soooo miss the days of baby sleeping through everything, haha! Looks like you guys are having a great time! I hope you're able to see and do everything you want to before you leave VA! Do you know how long you have left there?

  6. I love reading your blog and getting glimpses into your life with Parker, Jenny and Preston!

  7. So I've always struggled with telling you and Danielle apart. Now, I'm just going to look at the babies, lol.


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