Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


May 31, 2017

Life Lately

Life lately has been all things baby, all things Jenny, and all things enjoying this beautiful weather. Thank you Jesus that Summer is upon us! #Amen. Here's a little look at life lately in our neck of the woods...

May was the month of visitors! We hosted 5 people throughout the month and loved every minute. We love having so many family members come down to love on baby P! My Nana and cousin were our first visitors, and we took them to historic Williamsburg to see the sites!

I love seeing our family love this baby. He's never short on people wanting to snuggle him, that's for sure!

My child currently sheds more than my dog. He was born with a head full of hair and is now almost totally bald. Cradle cap for the win over here!

Pups make the best nap partners. These children of ours love to snuggle!

I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day with a baby! Parker and Preston made it a very special day for me! Parker even had this cookie cake waiting for me when I woke up. That man knows the way to my heart, and it's through my stomach. ;)

They had this cute little Mother's Day set-up at church. These two boys have made all my dreams come true!

This Spring must have been bird mating season because we have goslings and ducklings in the neighborhood! We took some bread with us on one of our walks and loved feeding them!

We are working on teaching baby P that it's okay to nap somewhere other than my arms. He napped solo but still managed to take me with him. We are calling it progress. Side note: my child has a surprisingly strong grip, and I may join him in the bald department before all is said and done.

My mother in law was in town to love on baby P, and he gladly accepted the extra snuggles! We were very thankful for a week with Lolli!

And we all know when the grandmas are in town, that means... date night! Parker and I ventured downtown for dinner, a quick walk along the water, and then somehow ended up at Target. Target baby-free... I wasn't mad about it!

I ordered the nachos at dinner, which was quite literally a giant baking sheet filled with chips and who knows what else. They were delicious, but holy portion control!

 And I'll leave you with this... deliciously chubby baby feet. Is there anything better? Nope. Are we a little biased? Probably. ;)


  1. So adorable! Love seeing all these pictures and happy adventures with baby :)
    Rebecca :)

  2. I'm so glad you have had so much time with family. It really is awesome. :) Yes to babies having strong grips! E is the same way!

  3. I'm so glad your families have been able to come visit!!! :)


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