The Boy Behind The Blog: Daddy Edition | Anchors Aweigh


May 8, 2017

The Boy Behind The Blog: Daddy Edition

It's been a good chunk of time since we did a boy behind the blog, so Parker is here today to answer a few questions about his new role as a dad! To say parenthood is an adjustment is a gross understatement, but we've loved tackling this new phase of life together. Here are Parker's thoughts on our new life as mom and dad!

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in gold):

1. What has been the best moment of fatherhood so far?
Probably seeing him giggle when Chelsea wakes him up in the morning and asks him how handsome he is. 
There is nothing like bending over his bed and seeing that big grin when he spots us for the first time. It's just the sweetest. 

2. What has been the most surprising thing about parenting so far?
I'm surprised at how easy our baby is. He's so low maintenance. He takes after his father!
So true. Preston is a dream baby and really easy as far as newborns go. 

3. What has been the hardest thing about being a parent?
Watching him cry and not being able to figure out what's wrong, although it's usually either he needs to eat, he needs to poop, or he's cold. 
Parker is very much looking forward to Preston being able to tell him what is wrong. I keep reminding him that we have a while to go until that happens. 

4. What's the best advice you can give a first time father?
I'm kind of new at this, but I guess just to make sure you help in any way that you can. Realize you're part of a team, and don't forget to continue making her feel special.
Very sweet, hubs. I echo the part about being a team. That's the only way you'll get through it!

5. What has been the biggest adjustment with having a baby?
Adjusting to a baby's schedule. Not being able to do whatever we want when we want. I can't wait to go to the movies again!
Parker is dying to go to the movie theater! This has always been our favorite date night. One day we will go again... one day. ;)

That's all folks!


  1. I definitely agree with what he said about remembering that you are part of a team. It's so important to be reminded of that.

  2. I loved reading Parker's advice!

  3. Oh yes, the date nights will return, BUT you must make sure to prioritize them! As a couple, your relationship is so important to the well-being of your baby, as well <3 such sweet answers from your husband!


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