Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


June 28, 2017

Life Lately

Since I took a little unplanned blogging hiatus these past few weeks, I thought I'd take today to share a little about life lately in our neck of the woods...

Life lately has been a whole lot of this... enjoying the gorgeous Virginia summer. These two are two peas in a pod.

Grammy (my mom) was in town, and we were in heaven! I had been looking forward to this visit for months, and my only complaint was that it went by too quickly. I'm henceforth referring to her as the baby whisperer because Preston loved her, and he's been in quite the little "stranger danger" phase lately.

We all went to an airshow for a little early birthday celebration for Parker, and we had a blast! My husband was in airplane heaven, and I was in there-is-someone-else-to-hold-the-baby heaven. Preston managed to have two diaper blowouts in a span of 5 hours while at the airshow, so my biggest takeaway from this airshow was put more than 3 diapers in the diaper bag next time.

Three happy campers and a baby up past his bedtime!

Since Grammy was in town, we took off for a much appreciated date night. We have been wanting to have dinner on the patio at one of our favorite restaurants for months, and the weather was finally warm enough to do it. We had the best time!

We saw our first solo movie since Preston was born, and it was Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Honestly, we didn't love it. It just wasn't as much our kind of movie, but I had a giant bag of popcorn, so no complaints over here.

The next day, this guy turned 28! We had a little family celebration with cake, opened presents, and played with our baby. #parentlife

Parker snapped this shot of Preston and me singing Parker "Happy Birthday"! We love our birthday boy!

On days where it's not someone's birthday and we don't have any visitors in town, we do a lot of this. I'm not mad about it.

In Jenny news, it was empty peanut butter jar day at our house, so she's doing just fine.

And last but not least, I found this guy in our backyard staring into our house. How he got into the backyard, I have no idea! I went to feed Preston and came back to get the turtle and move him to the nearest pond, but he was gone. Little Houdini turtle!

That's life lately!


  1. So glad you are having a great summer! Summer is just the best!!!

  2. That turtle staring into your house makes me LOL! And I actually did LOL when you said "my biggest takeaway from the airshow was to pack 3 diapers next time!"

  3. Oh my gosh, the turtle is awesome!! :) Sounds like you guys are enjoying your summer so far.


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