This past week, we hopped on a plane and flew to the great state of Texas for our first vacation with our baby! We met my entire extended family in Padre Island, TX for a week of sun, sand, and more food than any of us care to admit.
Growing up, I went to Padre Island every year with my Nana, cousins, aunt, uncle, mom, and sisters. Easily some of my fondest childhood memories came from these trips. We went every year, but it had been 4-5 years since we had been with all of us kids growing up, going to college, getting married, etc. We were adamant about starting the tradition back up now that babies are in the picture, and I am so glad we did. It really was the best week ever!
We laughed that we flew all the way to Texas for a beach vacation when we live in Virginia Beach and have a beach in our backyard, but family makes it all worth it! This was Preston's first flight and trip to the motherland, and he handled it like a champ. Here are some highlights from our trip!
There is nothing better than the sounds and smell of the ocean! We found time to enjoy it in between naps and feedings. #vacationingwithababy
I am convinced there is nothing better than discovering the world through your child's eyes. This motherhood gig is the best, and I am so grateful.
Kissing cousins! We were so excited to have the babies back together! Next year, they are going to be nonstop!
Emmett was mildly interested in the other tiny human on the floor. Preston was only interested in things he could shove into his mouth.
My best bud. We are pretty obsessed with each other these days, and I love it!
Hey boys, smile! This is what they did the entire photoshoot... clearly the ocean was calling them a la Moana. My mom (
aka Grammy) was in her element! She is seriously the baby whisperer and so, so good with these babies. Emmett is obsessed with her and at the age where he will only go to certain people, her being one of the few on that list. While Preston will still allow anyone to hold him, he cries for half the people that try, and my mom is one of the few that can calm him down every time. I just love seeing her be a Grammy! These boys are the luckiest.
Nana with her grandkids and great grandkids! She is the grand matriarch and one of my favorite people on the planet. Thanks to her for starting this tradition so many years ago!

Back in the airport ready for the flight home! Funny story... we showed up for our flight Sunday evening, and as we were pulling up to the airport, I looked up our flight number on my phone only to realize our flight was actually... Monday. Cue a minor panic attack from my husband and the biggest "oopsies-please-still-love-me" faces from me. There was nothing the airlines could do for us since it was so late in the day, so we got a bonus day with my family and flew out the next day. Other than Parker having to extend his leave and us having to shuffle a few things around, it ended up being just fine. An extra day with my mom, twin, and baby Emmett? Yes please! Shoutout to my husband for being very understanding through the whole ordeal. The takeaway here is one should never book flights at 6 AM when they are sleep deprived from caring for a newborn.

Finally on the plane and ready to go! I snapped this picture because Parker does this every. single. flight. I find it so endearing that he is the one person out there that reviews the safety information in the back of the seat. I mean, the guy's a pilot, so in the event of an emergency, I am sure he would know what to do better than most people on that plane regardless of if he reads the safety card or not. I still love that he reads it though!
That's Padre Island 2017! We are already so ready to go next year! A one year old Emmett and Preston running around the beach like banshees? Bring it on!