Anniversary Date Climbing Cape Henry Lighthouse | Anchors Aweigh


July 10, 2017

Anniversary Date Climbing Cape Henry Lighthouse

Parker and I have a tradition for our wedding anniversary. We don't do gifts. Instead, we do an experience. We love this tradition! There is nothing better in our book than creating memories, and we have done some really fun things for each anniversary!

1st anniversary: ziplining in Milton, FL
4th anniversary: sailing in Norfolk, VA
5th anniversary: cruise to The Bahamas

We knew we wanted to keep the tradition going, but this year posed a slight obstacle in that it was our first anniversary with a baby. We don't really have the freedom to go and do whatever we want anymore, especially with no family living near us to watch the baby. 

I had never left Preston with anyone other than one of our moms, but my friend Karly was kind enough to come over for a few hours while Parker and I escaped for a day date to celebrate our anniversary. We decided this year's experience would be climbing the Cape Henry Lighthouse! This has been on our Virginia bucket list for a while. It's the oldest lighthouse in the country! We climbed a lighthouse back when we lived in Pensacola and loved it, so we thought we would love this one too!

We both agreed that the experience could best be summed up as... underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, we had the best time going on a baby-free date, but the lighthouse was just not much to write home about. It was only 192 steps, so it took us about 3 minutes to climb to the top. Once at the top, it was all enclosed, so we couldn't really take in the view in all it's glory. We climbed back down, took a walk around the perimeter, and then drove to the oceanfront and walked along the beach.

Walking along the beach just talking and eating froyo was probably our favorite part of the day. There isn't much better in my book! It was a gorgeous day, and just getting to spend that one on one time together was such a treat. 

We are really glad we climbed the lighthouse. It was underwhelming, and we wouldn't recommend it to a friend, but we had been wanting to do it for so long, and we were able to keep up with our tradition of celebrating our anniversary with an experience. 

Next year, Preston will be old enough to leave with Grammy for a few days, so we see another cruise in our future! 


  1. You have always celebrated in such great ways! :) This one sounds amazing as well.

  2. I love the idea of celebrating with an experience! Andy and I did the same for our anniversary-- we went on a trip to Cumberland Falls-- but he still insists on giving each other "small" gifts. Which I think is silly, since my birthday is just 3 weeks later! :)

  3. I've climbed a few lighthouses and some are more interesting than others. Not being able to go outside and enjoy the views is a huge downer.... Every lighthouse I've climbed I got to go out. Glad y'all still had a good time, though!
    Kimber :)

  4. Even if it wasn't as cool as you'd hoped, I still think it's a really neat experience - especially since you got to go baby-free! :)

  5. Absolutely loved your idea of doing an experience for each anniversary, very unique and fun idea. Would love to do this myself someday. Loved the post, hope to see more soon.

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