Blogging After Baby | Anchors Aweigh


July 21, 2017

Blogging After Baby

Parker and I talked a lot while I was pregnant about what would happen with this blog after Preston was born. Neither of us were comfortable sharing details or pictures on a platform we have little to no control over. At the same time, I love blogging and he loves that I do it, so we sort of tabled the discussion and never really came to a decision. 

Fast forward to February, and we have this perfect, beautiful baby boy that we just can't get enough of. I want to shout him from the rooftops and share every little update, picture, and video with you guys. But it just doesn't feel right. It's one thing to share all about me and Parker, but it's a whole new ballgame sharing about our child. I want to believe everyone who reads this blog is a good person with good intentions, and hopefully that's the case, but there's no way to really know for sure. 

I decided to blog about our lives and just leave the baby out of it. I would share pictures, but only of the side of his face or his back. I would share his name, but no other personal details. I wrote about adjusting to parenthood, favorite baby products, etc. It was fine, but I had lost the zest and passion behind this blog. I blog because I love it, and I just didn't love it anymore. 

I told Parker that I'm an all or nothing person. If I am going to share about our lives, I want to share everything. If I can't share everything, I might as well just quit. We still felt keeping details of our son's life private was the best way to go, so a couple of weeks ago, I told Parker I thought I was done blogging for good.

I was ready to type out a post explaining that Anchors Aweigh would be no more, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I absolutely love blogging. It was my biggest coping mechanism when I lost our first baby. It's introduced me to so many great people who have become real life friends. It has been the best creative outlet for me, and bottom line, it's a big part of who I am. 

So where do we go from here? I am still going to blog, but I am careful about the pictures I do share of our son and don't plan to share his milestones, likes/dislikes, or any other personal details. I so badly want to, but I feel like this is best for him. Part of me feels guilty, because this blogging community has been so supportive and encouraging in our journey to become parents, and I want to share this little miracle with those who have prayed over us and loved on us. I share a lot of pictures on Instagram, so you are welcome to request to follow me there!

Thanks to everyone who has read this blog over the years. The support and community are why I continue to love blogging, and I just don't feel like I am done yet. See you all Monday. :)


  1. This makes loads of sense! I've wondered how I would deal with this should it happen to me, but I feel like you can't your final decision on it until you have the baby and know how you feel about it concretely and not abstractly. Yay for Instagram, though!

  2. It makes good sense. I have been blogging for 5 1/2 years and I rarely mention my kiddos at all. I did one blog on my daughter when she graduated high school and that is it. I asked my son if I could do one on him when he graduated and he declined, so I respected that. Of course, I do post pics with them on Instagram.

    I have always been careful about my kids on the blog and I don't mention them at all. I know mine are much older but they are still my kids.

  3. I definitely understand! With Andy's new job as a Recruiter, I've noticed my thoughts about blogging change as well. Since we are the face of the Army for north Iowa, I have to represent the Army well just like Andy does. I've thought about quitting blogging, but couldn't do it! It will definitely be different and I will probably blog less, now that I'm working full-time again and will also be taking college courses as well. I can't imagine how tough it must be to balance blogging with your son's safety!

  4. I think with any significant life change I've reevaluated blogging and how that would play into life. While I do share photos of E, I tend to not share a lot of milestones anymore, but that is because I want to save some of those for just us. I don't think I could ever quit blogging because it has been such a huge part of my life for over 8 years. I think it's great that you understand how things change and you are doing something that works for you and your family. :)

  5. I DEFINITELY understand- from a different perspective but still understand where you are coming from. I am grateful you continue to share your story- it has made a huge difference in my life and in others as well so THANK YOU for continuing to share. You are truly a blessing and I look forward to continue reading whatever you feel comfortable sharing in this new season!!

    Blessings, Rebecca :)

  6. I feel the exact same way and I'm still navigating what my blog should look like and how much I should post about Olivia. I also feel like they should be able to create their own digital footprint and not have their life already documented as public knowledge. It's hard figuring this all out! I'm glad you're not shutting it down though!

  7. Love this post so much! I have felt the same way after having our daughter last fall. I would love to share more pictures of her and of our little family, her milestones, etc... but I have no control over who sees my blog and you never know who is reading so I have kept my private life pretty much off the blog this past year. SO glad you're not shutting down your blog :)

  8. This makes total sense - I'm glad that you are doing what seems right for you and your family and I'm also glad that you won't stop blogging! I can't remember how I stumbled across your blog, but it's been one of my favorites ever since! :)

  9. This is totally understandable! I would hate to see you stop blogging, because you're very inspiring to me. But I get it. When I had my daughter, I really stepped back from social media; I didn't want anyone posting things about her online. I wanted full control of what, if anything, got shared out there. I got made fun of by family members for that. When our second came along, I retreated even more and rarely posted pictures. With the (bonus) third, I think I put a total of four pictures of him on FB to show family. He's 1 now. I just don't feel comfortable with it. Then you add the military and OPSEC into it, I'm basically paranoid and don't share anything anymore.

  10. You have to do what is best for you and your family. Blogging is hard to know what is right and wrong, so you have to feel it out with any change. I think most people who are reading your blog respect whatever decision you make! We will be happy to see whatever you do post!


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