Happy Birthday To Our #1 Girl! | Anchors Aweigh


July 6, 2017

Happy Birthday To Our #1 Girl!

Yesterday, our favorite pup in the world turned seven! Parker and I have spent the last month talking about how much we wish dogs didn't age and she could be with us forever. Jenny made us a family and has been one of the best decisions we have ever made. Another year with her is such a gift, but so bittersweet knowing she's only getting older. She really lights up our lives and gives us so much to smile about every day!

For those who may be newer around here, we adopted Jenny from a rescue group when she was six months old back in 2011. We went in to "pet the puppies" (does that ever really work?), and of course we went home with the puppy. She immediately caught our attention, and we just took to her. She was obedient from the start and wanted to do everything we said. She had a low-key, loving personality that we adored, and seven years later, she still has that same sweet demeanor we fell in love with. She's also the most unimpressed pup around. A common phrase in our house: #Jennyisnotimpressed

I call Jenny my best girlfriend, and she really is. She's just my little sidekick. She was my saving grace during the seven months Parker was deployed, and she has been so patient and understanding as we have adjusted to life with a baby. Seven years of Jenny loving, and it just gets better and better! Happy birthday to our #1 girl! 


  1. Oh sweet Jenny! Happy Birthday you precious pup! :)

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