Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


July 12, 2017

Life Lately

How in the world are we already almost halfway through July? 2017 is flying by, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Here's a look at life lately in our neck of the woods...

It's pretty hot in Virginia these days, so many afternoons are spent poolside trying to escape the heat. Preston loves it! He lays in his little float and just chills. 

There are few things Jenny gets more excited about than when her humans put on their tennis shoes. She knows tennis shoes means there is a good chance she is getting a walk. Sometimes she sits next to them as a not so subtle reminder that she'd like to go on a walk, please and thank you. 

Preston is more and more interactive lately, and Parker is obsessed. It's pretty hard not to be! Seeing these two together makes my heart go pitter patter. I love seeing Parker be a dad to this boy we love so much. 

We escaped for a little baby-free day date climbing the Cape Henry lighthouse! No baby, no diaper bag, no stroller... but what do I do with my hands???

We had some friends over and had a low-key Fourth of July get-together. Good food and good friends... it doesn't get much better than that! We didn't see a single firework in real life this year, but thankfully everyone I know and their dog posted videos of fireworks all over social media. 

On July 4th last year, Parker had just deployed and I was newly pregnant with Preston and sick as a dog. It was so wonderful celebrating with both of them home safely this year!

Jenny turned the big 7 on July 5th! She was unimpressed, per the usual.

And last but not least, you've all heard of this greatness, right? I think I was late to the party, but Parker and I are now obsessed with Halo Top. This whole pint for only 320 calories? It's so yummy! It rivals Blue Bell (our favorite) for most delicious ice cream and it's so low in calories. The only downside is I can eat an entire pint in one sitting without even trying, so we limit how often we buy this delicious little temptress.

That's life lately!


  1. Yay for pool time! I tried so hard to like halo top, but to me it tastes really bland. I was so sad.

  2. I LOVE your family 4th of July photo! So sweet! I haven't actually tried Halo Top yet. I keep wanting to, but it's so expensive that I just talk myself out of it every time. Maybe I'll pick one up soon and see what the hype is all about!

  3. It's so HOT here in Iowa too!!! Today was 99 degrees!!!

  4. Our Charlie loves walks too. If you mention the word in a sentence, he starts prancing to the door with his tail wagging ready to go. It cracks me up. Then I feel guilty because A) he wants a walk and B) I haven't had my exercise for the day. So usually it works out for him :) Your baby is precious! These are the fun times, enjoy!


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