Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


July 26, 2017

Life Lately

Happy Wednesday! We are taking it nice and easy today preparing for company over the weekend. Here is a look at life lately in our neck of the woods!

Right before we left for vacation, Preston "noticed" Jenny for the first time. It sounds pretty silly saying our son noticed the dog that's been sharing a house with him for the past 5 months, but up until now, he has never really paid any attention to her or noticed she was there. He has started looking at her and reaching out to her. So sweet!

Parker went fishing with my uncle and cousin while in Texas and caught so many fish! We fried them up and had them for dinner. So yummy! Parker doesn't get to fish very often, so this was the highlight of his trip to Texas!

This is my morning view, and I just love it. I don't remember what life was like before getting up at 6 AM every single day, and I don't want to. I love my morning walks with this furry girl and these chubby little feet.

Just a father and a son taking in the views behind the brand new outlet mall. Love these two and watching their relationship develop.

You know how fresh air just does a person some good? Well, the same goes for babies. When Preston gets fussy or irritable, we take our operation outside and do a little front porch sitting. On this day, I took advantage of my happily distracted child and did my bible study. Jenny sunned herself, Preston watched, and Mama got some "me" time. Win-win-win!

My post Monday about airport perks for the military was shared by the USO and went viral for a little while after. Parker and I thought that was pretty cool!

And last but not least, I give you Jenny in her natural habitat. It's a rough life.

That's life lately!


  1. It looks like a great life! I'm glad things are so good right now!

  2. I love this! :) I'm so glad things are going good for you. I loved when E recognized emma and fishy for the first time. She was so intrigued by them.

  3. So fun! Love seeing how life has been so delightful for y'all right now!
    :) Rebecca

  4. I've always found that babies calm down if you take them outside when fussy... I thought maybe it was just me that noticed that but I'm glad I'm not the only one! :)

  5. So awesome about your airport perks post!!! I'm curious to know, did you return to working full-time after your maternity leave ended?

  6. How does Preston like that seat you have him in on the porch? So glad you're loving life as a mama! And I'm so glad you haven't thrown in the towel on blogging!


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