What Do You Buy On Amazon? | Anchors Aweigh


July 14, 2017

What Do You Buy On Amazon?

We were out to dinner with a couple of our good friends the other day, and I mentioned something I bought on Amazon in passing. My friend told me they don't have an Amazon account and have never bought anything from Amazon, and I looked at her like she was from Mars. Never bought anything from Amazon?!

Parker and I have a new Amazon package on our doorstep every week it seems. The deals are always so good, and with free 2-day shipping thanks to Prime, Amazon has us hook, line, and sinker. 

My friend then asked me what we use Amazon to buy, and I opened my mouth and told her... nothing. We buy everything from Amazon, but when someone asked what we buy from Amazon, I was at a loss. We had a good laugh as I desperately tried to come up with something we had recently bought from Amazon. 

I took a look at our orders page, and the list of purchased items is so random. No wonder I couldn't think of anything on the spot. I assume we aren't the only Amazon-obsessed people out there, so I thought I would put together a list of some of the random things we have purchased from Amazon in the last 30 days. Looking at it, 75% of these items are for the baby. Apparently babies aren't as cheap as we thought...

1. Sound machine for the nursery (a life saver once we transitioned him from our room to the crib!)

2. New sleepsack for the baby (he outgrew his other one)

3. Swim diapers (I did actually try to buy these at Target but couldn't find them, so Amazon to the rescue!)

4. New baby carrier (Our old one was not made for support, so this was necessary for carrying around 17+ pounds of baby all day!)

5. Cow socks for a COW party (a tradition to honor the Commanding Officer's Wife, or C.O.W.)

6. Gaming controller (why??? Obviously not for me)

7. Watering can (we bought some plants for the house, so of course I needed a watering can!)

8. Router (apparently our old one was 5 years old and "not performing". Whatever you say, hubs)

9. Rug pad (I bought a new rug at Target but forgot about the rug pad, so Amazon saved the day again)

10. Baby float (for all those afternoons at the pool!)

Amazon just gets me. What would we do without it?? What random things do you buy on Amazon?


  1. We are all about Amazon in our house too. Whenever we can't find something locally Amazon comes to the rescue.

  2. Andy and I were just discussing whether or not we would get Amazon Prime as we were laying in bed last night! I looked at some of the Prime Day deals a few days ago, but didn't see anything that caught my eye. We usually turn to Amazon if we can't find what we want in the stores or on Walmart's site (for their free ship-to-store). I found myself buying too much stuff I didn't really need when we had an Amazon Prime account.

  3. We buy EVERYTHING from Amazon! Totally obsessed.

  4. My last four purchases are: Toe Cushions, A Side Table, Car Headlight Restorer and Overalls. Super random! Amazon is the only way to get a lot of American things in Japan. I live for Amazon Prime right now!

  5. My husband orders way more from Amazon than I do. I usually buy things that my sister needs me to order for my nieces or crochet items - books, hooks, etc - for me.

  6. OK, so don't laugh but we literally own TWO of those sound machines and we don't have any kids! (i just love them, and travel with one!)


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