Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


August 9, 2017

Life Lately

Happy Wednesday! Here's a little life lately from our neck of the woods. 

Parker's parents came for the weekend, and we had a blast hosting them! It's always fun having family in town to spoil you and love on your baby. As you can see, poor Preston didn't get any attention at all. ;)

When grandparents are in town, that means it's date night! Parker and I have always been really big on date nights. Before baby, we went on 1-2 date nights per week, so seeing that come to an abrupt halt now that we have a son was definitely an adjustment for us. Being able to leave Preston with the grandparents for an evening and go out just the two of us was such a gift! We tried a new restaurant, saw the movie Atomic Blonde, and just had the best time sipping wine, talking about everything and nothing. We definitely appreciate date nights when they do come around!

Just walking to church... teamwork makes the dream work. Also, that carseat + baby combo is deceivingly heavy.

I snapped this picture after Preston fell asleep for a nap. It's both adorable and sad at the same time. He fell asleep with his little arm out waiting to be rescued. Sweet baby. 

Just a day at the range watching our favorite golfer! If I had a nickel for every time Parker says "I can't wait to take Preston golfing!"... I'd have a lot of nickels.

Friday night... frozen pizza, wine from a box because that's the only way it won't go bad in our house, and a baby monitor. It's not glamorous, but it's our life and we love it. We had this little feast and watched the movie Nerve. Has anyone seen it? I loved it!

I take for granted how beautiful our city is. This was my view as Preston and I took a walk this past Saturday morning. Loving that beach life with my little beach baby.

 That's life lately!


  1. Date nights like that at home are the best! Kyle and I do them often and even if we aren't going anywhere it's nice to disconnect and enjoy that time together. :) I'm glad though that you were able to sneak away while his parents were visiting.

  2. Your life lately looks perfect and comfortable - the best possible way! I love it. Preston is so darn cute.

  3. Love yall! I keep seeing this on friends' facebooks, have you seen it? Maybe it would help!

  4. You surely can use this application to monitor someone with their phone


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