Six Months of Parenting: Check! | Anchors Aweigh


August 16, 2017

Six Months of Parenting: Check!

Somehow, we are officially 6 months into this parenting gig! I think every parent says this, but how in the world did the time go so quickly? Didn't I just have him in the hospital?? Time doesn't seem to be slowing down at all, but I can look back on the last 6 months and be so, so thankful that it went the way that it did.

Our first 6 months were by no means perfect, and we had hard days just like any parents, but I can honestly say I wouldn't change a single thing. When I think back on our first 6 months, three things come to the forefront of my mind...

1. Breastfeeding

Months 0-3 can best be summed up in one word: breastfeeding. I opened up on the topic in this post, but to sum up, breastfeeding was so hard for me those first few months. It hurt. A lot. Like, really a lot. The most common question I got during those first few months was "How is he sleeping?". I'd always say "Forget sleeping! Kid sleeps like a champ. Now let's talk about the real struggle... breastfeeding!". It just sort of consumed everything I did those first few months, and if it hadn't been for breastfeeding, those first few months would have pretty darn easy. We are blessed with an easy baby, and after month 3, breastfeeding got much easier too!

2. Coparenting

If I am being honest, which I always try to be, this has been HARD. I didn't expect Parker and me to struggle with coparenting. We were both raised in Christian homes and have the same values. Easy peasy, right? Nope. Ultimately, we are different people who both have different ways of looking at things. We can both be pretty thickheaded, and throw in sleep-deprived and overly passionate about this new little baby (both me), and it has been tricky. We have learned that open communication is key, and we are doing much better at meeting in the middle and seeing the other one's point of view. It hasn't been easy though, that's for sure! #realtalk

3. Everyday joy

The joy. Parenthood can be hard, but it bring so much joy. I didn't realize it was possible to love another human being this much. I'm just obsessed with him and hang on his every grin, giggle, and expression. From the newborn days of just sitting on the couch snuggling this perfect little baby, to the midnight feedings that I honestly looked forward to because I missed him, he has brought me so much joy. Now that he is out of the newborn stage, he is babbling and laughing, and it just never gets old. Oh parenthood, you bring your own unique set of challenges but you bring more joy than I ever thought possible. 

Six months down, the rest of our lives to go! So thankful to be on this crazy parenting journey. I wouldn't trade a single second. Now, if anyone can figure out how to slow time down, be a dear and let me know. 


  1. People definitely don't tell you how hard co-parenting can be. I'm super relaxed about most things because I have been around kids, Kyle struggles with that. You are doing great!!!!

  2. I love being able to watch you on this journey <3

  3. I would love to read a post about your coparenting struggles as I struggle with this with my partner too!


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