Tap tap, is this thing on? Every once in a while, I unintentionally take a week off from blogging. Oops! I'm back today and it's just life lately. Life has been full, and we are salvaging what little is left of summer together as a family. Here's what we've been up to, according to the photos on my phone. ;)
Jenny had a week long sleepover with our neighbor's pup and loved every minute of it. Bella is basically the 3 year old version of Jenny, so they got along great and were two peas in a pod!
I had a little eye procedure done this past week, and since Parker was stuck on the ship (
you can read that little tale here), this sweet friend took me to the hospital and stayed until it was time for me to go home. Super grateful for her!
Quick blurb about the procedure because I just think it's so cool that doctors can do this: Since I was a toddler, my eyes have not worked together. I can look out of one or the other, but not both simultaneously. My right eye is my dominant eye, so I look out of that one and the left eye is just there. It turns slightly inward, but I have gotten pretty good at hiding it over the years, so even my closest friends really had no idea. I went to the eye doctor in Virginia for a routine check up, and it turned out that this doctor actually specializes in my condition and can fix it. I picked this doctor at random, and most doctors I have met with before had no idea what my condition was even called, so to stumble upon a doctor that specializes in it was a God thing to me! He performed a quick surgery and moved a muscle in my right eye about six millimeters, and boom! For the first time in over 25 years, my eyes work together and I can see out of both simultaneously. I also have depth perception and can see 3D movies now. Pretty cool!

I wish Preston could appreciate how cool it is to see peacocks on our daily walks. It's the time of year where the neighborhood peacocks have shed their feathers, so they look like giant blue chickens!
This pup came running up to us on another one of our daily walks. We were pretty sure we knew who the owner was (
you don't see a lot of frenchie strays), but we kept her with us until the owners were home and we could be sure she belonged to them. They are happily reunited, but she was the funniest little house guest for the couple of hours we had her.
This. This is the good stuff. This is what I try to do as often as I can throughout the day, and this is what gets me excited to start a new day each morning. I just love this little boy. Watching him grow is the greatest joy, but I sure wouldn't mind keeping him little forever!
I made a pan of brownies for a party we were attending and asked Parker to slice them. He decided edges are overrated, so this is what I found when he deemed the job done. Whatever, they were sliced and that's all that mattered! ;)
We've been friends with this girl for 10 years and have loved having her stay with us this past week!
She also volunteered to watch Preston while Parker and I got away for a much appreciated date night! We used to go on 1-2 date nights per week, so that was a biiiiig adjustment when baby entered the picture. We did the stereotypical dinner and a movie, aka our favorite date night, and had the best time.