Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


September 21, 2017

Life Lately

Happy Thursday! We are over here savoring the last moments of Summer and getting excited for all things Fall with our little guy. As excited as I am for pumpkin everything and sweaters, our first Summer with Preston was so much fun, and I am sad it's almost over! Here's a little look at life lately in our neck of the woods. 

Preston and I flew home to Texas two weekends ago to celebrate my sweet nephew's first birthday. Give me all the Texas weekends! I never want them to end. Here's a shot of me and my beautiful mom before the party started.

I love my mom for a million reasons, but one is for how much she loves her grandbabies. I call her the baby whisperer. Preston loves his Grammy!

A rare moment when both babies are sleeping at the same time? Two happy mamas right there. Fun fact: motherhood is a team sport until one of the monitors starts making sounds. At that point, you pray it's her kid that's woken up and not yours. It's every man for himself when it comes to the napping game! ;)

If this isn't the definition of chaos, I don't know what is. I looked over, and my sister was literally wearing a bucket on her head. #motherhood

Preston wanted to "help" walk his sister pup. Jenny was less than impressed, per the usual.

I got such a kick out of this. I am a huge clutter freak. I hate clutter, and if there is an extra glass, shoes, anything laying around, I'll put it away as soon as I see it. Parker was charging something on the baker's rack in our kitchen, and he knew as soon as I saw it I would move it, so he wrote me a note so I wouldn't touch it. I did wait until it was charged but then snapped a picture after I moved it. I am not a big cleaner, but I will never have clutter lying around if I can help it!

I posted Monday about our new version of date night, and we have been loving it. A glass of wine, music playing in the background, and dinner on the grill... it's the best!

Sweet Jenny... she is such a trooper. Every once in a while, she will look at me as if to say "So we are seriously keeping him??". Yes Jenny, we are seriously keeping him. ;)

That's life lately!


  1. I love seeing pups with their human brothers and sisters - such a sweet bond!! I am also the same way about clutter, my husband always asked where I moved stuff that was "just there!" haha!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  2. I am not a fan of clutter either! It drives me crazy haha.

  3. I have to know who has the box on their head... that's awesome! Lol I enjoy reading about your precious little Navy family!


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