Post-Baby Weekend Bliss | Anchors Aweigh


October 23, 2017

Post-Baby Weekend Bliss

Life in general looks oh so different now that we are parents, but I think our weekends are what have changed the most. Pre-baby, a weekend looked something like this: going out with friends on a Friday night, sleeping in Saturday, dinner and a movie Saturday night, church Sunday, and a nap Sunday afternoon. I can safely say that the only part of that list that is still true post-baby is the church on Sunday! All that other stuff, while fun and definitely missed, doesn't quite fit into life with a baby, so we have had to restructure our weekends and create the new normal. 

We definitely miss our weekly date nights, but we are coming off the weekend high, and I wouldn't trade these weekends for anything. This child of ours has changed our lives in the best way possible, and I can't imagine weekends any other way now. We had family/friends in town for about a month straight, so this was our first weekend in a while that we got to spend just our little family. It probably looks so boring, but I wanted to document what a weekend looks like right now. I know this, like everything, is just a season, but weekends like this have me wishing it will last forever. 

Parker was on a Navy-sanctioned vacation for 10 days and got back late Thursday, so Friday night was our first full night together in a little while. We spent it doing what really cool kids do... sushi at our favorite restaurant and then catching up on the episodes of Survivor we missed while he was gone. Does anyone else still watch Survivor? We love it every season!

We woke up bright and early Saturday morning and headed to the park. Preston loves the swings! He's too little for really anything else, but seeing the joy on his face from those swings is the best thing ever! 7 AM on a Saturday never looked so good. 

It is Fall in Virginia, aka the best weather on the planet: sunny and 75 (I can't believe it's like this year round for all you Californians! No wonder so many people love living there). We had an outdoor lunch at a local sandwich shop and enjoyed some wonderful vitamin D in the process.

Saturday afternoon, we were still looking for ways to enjoy the weather, so we headed to the Botanical Gardens for a nice little scenic walk. We wanted to go to the zoo, but apparently they close earlier than we thought, so the gardens it was. Clearly, Preston loved it. ;)

Saturday night was for pizza delivery and a game of golf. Has anyone played the card game golf? We love it and have taught a few of our friends. I love playing any game, and this is one Parker will actually play with me. Winning! He won this round, so we rematched Sunday night, and I won. Marriage is about give and take, ya know?

Sunday we went to church and then to the driving range so Parker could play some real golf. Other than that, we laid low and enjoyed time as a family. QT with these three is my favorite. 

Sunday night was date night in after Preston went to bed, so we pretended to be fancy and had wine and cheese.

Nothing special, nothing fancy, but the weekend was just what we needed after the busy month we just had. One day, I am sure weekends will be spent watching kids' soccer games or going to swim meets, but for now, I am so grateful for this sweet season of life. Too bad it's Monday! 


  1. And now you know why our housing prices are so high here in California. Everybody wants to live here.

  2. Weekends like that are the best!!!! :)

  3. Weekends are the best!!! I'm in your homeland today and the weather is AMAZING!

  4. TASTE!! I still miss TASTE and I haven't lived in Virginia since 2012.


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