Baby's First Halloween | Anchors Aweigh


November 1, 2017

Baby's First Halloween

Our first Halloween with a kid is in the books! Oh my goodness, can we talk about how cute little kids are on Halloween? Parker and I have always loved passing out candy to little kids, and it had been 2 years since we did that together since he was deployed last year. We passed out candy to about 10 different Moana's and more Marvel characters than I could count. 

Our favorite part was definitely taking baby Preston trick or treating though. He's a baby, so of course he had no idea what was going on, but man was he cute! I had an old lion costume for Jenny as well, so they were both lions. Jenny was a whole new level of unimpressed. I mean seriously, this picture speaks for itself. 

We went trick or treating to a few of our neighbor's houses and called it an early night. Parker and I both felt super awkward trick or treating because it was obvious that Preston couldn't eat the candy, so clearly we were trick or treating for our own benefit. We really just wanted to get the trick or treating experience with Preston for his first Halloween!

One awkward moment that I am still kicking myself over- it was still light outside when we took Preston trick or treating, so you couldn't tell which houses had candy and which didn't since no porch lights were on yet. I knocked on a sweet lady's door who speaks only broken English, and when she answered the door, she looked completely shocked to see us and instantly put her face in her hands saying "oh no, I wasn't prepared!". I kept telling her "it's okay, it's okay!" and started to leave, and she ran to her pantry, found some dried mangos, and tried to offer me them. She was mortified. I was mortified that she felt so badly. Eeesh, it was awful. After that encounter, I was ready to call it a night. Other than that though, the night was so sweet and so fun seeing Preston as a little lion cub!

I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween! Happy November!


  1. My pup was also dressed as a lion and was almost as underwhelmed by it as your Jenny! Preston looks adorable!

  2. They are so cute!!!! :) His costume is adorable.

  3. Preston is so cute and I love that he and Jenny match! Oh man, so embarrassing and awkward! For some reason, the kids here don't go to houses without their porch lights on. We had our front door open but the light wasn't on (I didn't realize the bulb was burned out!) and we still had no kids coming up to our door!


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